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The Greens Men’s Group


     GMG has a FULL schedule of activities which are hard to match . They include sports which require  arms and sharpness, walk-
     ing, riding, swinging, thinking, keeping warm or cool, and listening ( oh yeah) to others opinions on all sports. Here are some
     examples of fun and satisfaction the GMG provides:
     Monday & Friday Golf: Steve Swersky “gets us to the golf course on time”. We choose foursomes at 8:45am and tee off  at
     9:00am. Dix Hills 9 hole golf course is the place. It’s a very lovely course and walkers are charged $11. It’s located on Vander-
     bilt, just east of Deer Park Ave. After our round of golf we go for bagels and coff ee to tell each other how great/lousy we did.
     For more info 516 459-3003

     Monday Billiards: At 1pm you can join us for 2 hours of shooting pool at FELT BILLIARDS 6133 Jericho Tpke, Commack
     NY • 623-6307  $6 p/p. Murray Lieberson 423-0117 and Arty Noskin 223-3500 are in charge.

     Monday Night: Is “bad movie night”. A group of men get together at a restaurant that has the best deals and just so-so
     food. We then see the worst fi lm in town and discuss how bad it was. We always fi nd someone in the group who liked the
     picture- thus a heated discussion that is all in good fun.
     The chairman is Bill Domjan and the vice chairman (elect) is Bernie Martin who selects new movies. 367-0253.

     Tuesday Bowling: At 10 am we have informal bowling at the Farmingdale Lanes which is located slightly west of Rte. 110
                                                                      & Conklin on the north side. For $2 a game you can
                                                                      sharpen your skills and solve all the problems of the
              UPCOMING PROGRAMS                                       world. Some of the 16 – 20 Greenies have Pizza  after
                                                                      the games.
      FEW WEEKS: Each week the Greens Men’s Group presents a          Tuesday: Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday Steve Swersky
      different speaker to its members and other Greenies who wish    conducts a “World Events” discussion in the library
        to attend. We have had authors, political fi gures, doctors,   at the clubhouse, always heated served up with a
       sport personalities, as well as many other interesting speak-  few laughs thrown in for good measure. It’s enjoy-
       ers. This is the short list of the speakers for the near future:  able to get together to see what’s happening around
                                                                      the world. So far we have not been able to solve the
                         2018 GMG SPEAKERS:                           world’s problems but who knows? Maybe next
      Mar    07 (CH) Jack Schnur, Carol Burnett Career                meeting we will!
                 14    (L) Jami Floyd, Trade Off Privacy
                 21 (CH) Raffi  Weiss. Current Events In Israel       Every 3rd Wednesday: In the Clubhouse Library,
                                                                      we have a sports discussion for about an hour and
                 28    (L) Wendy Galgan, America At War               a half right after the GMG regular meeting. Laughs
      Apr     04    (L) Congressman Tom Suozzi                        galore and some heated discussions on all sports.
                 11  (Ch) “Promise Of Long Island” Panel              Yankees//Mets/Giants/Jets/Rangers/Islanders/Knicks/
                 18  (Ch) Richard Mustapich, Softball Star            Nets/Cosmos/Red Bulls/Cyclones/even curling (just
                                                                      kidding). Trivia questions are constantly thrown at you
                 25    (L) Patrick Halpin, Former Suffolk Cty, Exec   to keep you sharp and awake all the time.
      May    02  (Ch) Andrew Sparberg, Subways Of Nyc                 Jim Cohen 673-4590 is chairman and Arty Noskin
                 09 (Tbt) Paul Kaplan, “Jewish South Florida”         223-3500 assists him. Lots of laughs and of course
                 16  (Ch) Christine Alvarez, Radio Commericials       disagreements.
                 23    (L) Ben Mevorach & Carol D’Auria, 1010 Wins News  Thursday Bowling: League Bowling. Meet at
                 30  (Ch) *Ellis Henican, Raconteur                   Bowlmor Bowling Alley on Route 110 at 12:30 for
                                                                      bagels and a 1:00PM Start bowling. Cost is  $10 for
      Our weekly meetings begin at 10 am every Wednesday at the       3 games and includes bagels, cream cheese, coff ee,
      Club House (CH) or Half Hollow Hills Community Library (L).     and tea. Pacers are invited.
      Bagels and coffee are available at the meetings held at the     The coordinators are:
      HHHC Library starting at 9:30 am. All residents are welcome.    Marv Rosen - / 631-367-7178 &
      Speakers, subjects and locations are subject to change. Consult   Mike Robinson - / 631 645-1429.
      “Around the Greens” and the weekly newsletters for the latest
      information. For meetings at the library, please car pool and
      park in the High School lot at the traffi c light.)

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