P. 39
The Greens Men’s Group
GMG P ’ M ~ George Borsuk
Photos below are past speakers
Dear Members and Community Residents:
We’re hitting it out of the ballpark!--
Trying new things is so important to keeping us a vital arm in our community. Last year we start-
ed night meetings with the Women’s Group of the Greens and co-sponsored “ The Antique Road
Show”. This year we added the Italian American Group to our night meetings and Lou DelBianco
whose grandfather carved Mt. Rushmore spoke to us. What made this event so great is that the Chuck Schwartz
restaurant was on board and for the initial happening we had 80 guests. We’re making improvements Environmentalist
and will offer dessert to those who had dinner following the performance. This will give you all a
chance to mingle with the speaker and extend your evening experience.
Our Wednesday morning hooplas are continuing in fine style. We have featured Arnold Katz and his
analysis of “On the Waterfront”. Tracey Sagarra was a well received storyteller and Keith Crocker
gave us a bit of nostalgia with the Ed Sullivan talk.
We can look forward to Tom Suozzi our Congressman, a political pundit on “Fake News”, and Jami
Floyd-the trade off of privacy for our modern day electronic world. Martin London, a famous litiga- Tommy Sullivan &
tor, who found Madoff ’s son dead in his apartment will be here. He was the lawyer to Spiro Agnew, Wife - Concert
Jackie Kennedy and Donald J. Trump. He will have inside stories to share with the group--circle July
25 on your calendar!
Our annual paid up luncheon will be on May 30 and will feature Ellis Henican. He will talk about his
book “Trumpitude”--the inner working of Donald Trump’s brain. It promises to outdo last years
fantastic banquet!
I wish to thank the Board and those who have gone out to help recruit speakers. For Steve Swersky
getting out the bulletin weekly, Marty Blum for watching the money and to Stan Kravetz for the job Ed Murphy
he did on the data base. Mike Robinson has agreed to work on making this years party the best of the Working Stories
Greens as he did last year. Mike Borsuk who painstakingly writes our Around the Greens Columns
and gets a whole lot of speakers is recognized as a tremendous resource for the group.
There will be some trips planned for the Spring and Summer.
Our sporting events are growing. Indoor tennis on Monday has attracted 30 people on Monday.
Bowling still gets a huge crowd and the summer tennis scrambles have been successful. Jewish guys
playing Bocce, quite an oxymoron, has really taken off.
Keep coming! Helen Crosson
Keep participating. Stay well and continue to be engaged. Head Librarian
GMG Membership
GMG Membership
GMG Membership George Borsuk
For those of you that are new to The Greens and those or those of you that are new to The Greens and those or those of you that are new to The Greens and those President, GMG
of you who are not new but now seem to have some you who are not new but now seem to have some you who are not new but now seem to have some
of of
time o
time o
time on your hands, please join the Greens Men’s n your hands, please join the Greens Men’s n your hands, please join the Greens Men’s
Group. We need your support. The dues are only $50 up. We need your support. The dues are only $50 up. We need your support. The dues are only $50
per year and for that tiny sum you get sports activities, or that tiny sum you get sports activities, or that tiny sum you get sports activities,
per year and f Tim Sini-District Larry Kelter
per year and f
50 excellent speakers a y Attorney - Suffolk My Cousin Vinnie
50 excellent speakers a year (one every week) as well ear (one every week) as well ear (one every week) as well
50 excellent speakers a y
as many discussion groups and a book club. You can ups and a book club. You can ups and a book club. You can
as many discussion gro
as many discussion gro
partake in as many or f
partake in as many or f
partake in as many or few as you like.ew as you like.ew as you like.
For more information contact
For more information contact
For more information contact
George Borsuk /
George Borsuk /
George Borsuk / 752 Verona Dr. / 631-367-0047 752 Verona Dr. / 631-367-0047 752 Verona Dr. / 631-367-0047
You can drop off or mail your check
You can drop off or mail your check
You can drop off or mail your check
Payable to Greens Men’s Group
Payable to Greens Men’s Group
Payable to Greens Men’s Group
or you can bring it to the next meeting.
or you can bring it to the next meeting.
or you can bring it to the next meeting. Mark Cuthbertson
Town of Huntington Indoor Tennis