Page 18 - web Summer 2018
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for 2017. Though insurance costs the clubhouse so that we can get to
CONDO I have been high we are trying to meet you personally and introduce
fi nd ways to cut the overhead. We you to “Life at The Greens,” and the
all remember “Sandy” and how activities and organizations that our
As we approach the summer sea- that storm affected everyone at lives encompass.
son and winter is now finally behind the Greens. We must be prepared Your Condo III Board will continue
us, we welcome back our snowbirds and continue to grow a reserve. to work closely with the HOA Board
and look forward to the further beau- If anyone has questions please do and its Committees in an effort to
tification of The Greens property. not hesitate to contact anyone on keep our community in good shape
All the projects that were put on the Condo II board, and thriving. Kudos to the HOA and
hold for the winter have now begun. Any suggestions relating to the all the Committees for their volun-
The gardeners are back working buildings and the immediate sur- teered time and effort spent to make
on the lawns shrubs and trees. The rounding area would be appreci- our lives continually better.
handicap mailbox program is well ated and taken into consideration As we look forward to summertime
under way at this time and should when the Condo board meets. It at the pool and socializing with our
be completed shortly if it isn’t al- is our intent to get more involved friends and neighbors, remember to
ready done. with the homeowners on a regu- visit and support The Royalton Grill
We look forward to the start of con- lar basis. We are your sounding at the clubhouse.
struction of our new HOA office. It board to the HOA. We attend all Feel free to contact any one of your
will be wonderful to have our prop- the HOA monthly meetings and Condo III Board members to discuss
erty manager and staff on site again, are an intricate part of the deci- any issues that may arise from time
and we will also have a place to hold sion-making process. to time.
our monthly board meetings. Also, the HOA Board and offi ce
Our financial statement for the fis- staff should be commended for the ~Murray Lieberson, President
cal year 2/1/2018 thru 1/31/2019 has hard work and hours they put in (
been completed and we are currently to make our community the very ~Penny Cuomo Ruggirello,
in solid financial shape. We are glad special place it is. It is their hard VP (
to report that we did not have to in- work and foresight that keeps the ~Sheila Pariser, Secretary/Treasurer
crease the Condo 1 dues, as we have Greens going. (
ample reserves. Please be safe, stay healthy, and
Wishing everyone a wonderful and enjoy the summer. ~Leonard Tabak, Special Assistant
safe summer! (
~Phil Celt, President
~Ruth Marcus|President ~Steve Elish, Vice President
631-796-9571| ~Bob Drossman, Treasurer CONDO IV
~Frank Rizzo|VP ~Mel Weinfeld, Secretary
~Herb Kreindler|Treasurer CONDO III Dear Friends and Neighbors,
516-849-7628| My friends who live outside of the
Greens often ask why I think the
CONDO II Hi neighbors! Welcome back to The Greens is such a great place to live.
Greens. It has been a long and lonely So, this got me to wondering how
Winter without the Snowbirds. does one define the qualities of a
With the winter months behind Seems “Sprummer” (Spring/Sum- great a neighborhood? What makes
us, we can now concentrate on mer) has finally arrived. The Com- The Greens so great? Certainly,
cleaning up and enjoying the nice munity is abloom with people, birds, our grounds are second to none; our
summer weather. The new Land- trees, grass, flowers and, of course, home values continue to rise; and,
scapers are doing a great job and weeds. our taxes are low by Long Island
once again The Greens are just Landscapers, tree trimmers, lawn standards. But in my opinion, the
that…lush and beautiful. This is mowers, weed killers and yes, power one factor that stands out most of all
an exciting time of year to enjoy washers, are all hard at work ready- are the people who live here.
the benefi ts of living here. We ing The Greens for the upcoming Please excuse the expression, but
hope everyone takes advantage of season. good friends and neighbors “trump”
what is offered including the dif- There have been many new home all else. So take a walk around the
ferent organizations and our club buyers that have become our neigh- Greens. There is no better way of
house with the new caterer. We bors. We would like to welcome getting to meet neighbors and old
hear the food is exceptional!!! them to Condo III. Perhaps there friends than by walking our beauti-
Our fi nancials are on track and will soon be a welcoming brunch at ful community and striking up a con-
we should be within our budget versation. And remember the Golden