Page 17 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 17


                         T Too  Know

                     Greg Kay  NSW Taxi Council
                      Head of Memberships and Partnerships

                                                                   My recent involvement
                                                                   in the NSW Taxi Industry
         Who is someone you           On Sunday mornings, you      has been from May 2016
         admire, and why?             can usually find me...       when I was engaged as
                                                                   one of 4 NSW Business
        Dick Smith – because he was   If I am not playing representative   Advisors (attached
        a visionary and took on major   sport or golf … generally a sleep in,   to the NSW Office of
        challenges and succeeded when   then a big breakfast cook up with   the Small Business
        everyone said it couldn’t be done,   family and the Sunday Telegraph,    Commissioner) to
        or didn’t want to take on projects   discussing a plan for lunch and   provide Business
        that were difficult or politically   walk (Manly, Darling Harbour, The   Advisory Services to
        sensitive.                   Rocks or Brighton Le Sands)   the NSW Taxi Industry
                                                                   Networks in both
        He is outspoken on major issues   What’s a goal you have   Metropolitan and
        of importance (both locally in   for yourself that you want   Regional areas.  The
        Australia and globally) and is   to accomplish in the next   areas I personally
        recognised as one of Australia’s   year?                   covered were from
        greatest citizens – also he is                             Eastern Suburbs to
        acknowledged internationally for   In late 2019 I was selected in   Strathfield in Sydney
        his achievements.            Australian Masters Hockey team   Metropolitan area and
                                     to play in 2020 World Masters   Riverina / Murray (South
         Flashback to when you       Hockey Cup in Japan from 5-15th   West) and New England
         were 10 years old. What     November 2020 (ie after the   / Tablelands (North
         do you want to be when      Olympic Games and the Para    West) in NSW regions.
         you grow up?                Olympics). Due to COVID 19 this
                                     has now been re-scheduled until   My previous experience
        Professional sportsman – I was   the same time in 2021.    in the Taxi Industry
        fortunate to play all sports at                            related to providing
        representative level (hockey and   What would be your      commercial business
        cricket at NSW and Australian   personal motto?            finance for clients for
        teams’ level).                                             assistance with the
                                     I have two that guide me –    purchase of NSW Taxi
         If we went to happy hour,                                 licences.  Also as a
         what would you order?       "It’s never about being better   Commercial Manager
                                     than anyone else, it’s about   in Banking, where one
        Depends who I was with – most   continuously striving to be the best   of my major clients was
        likely a cold beer to start (it's great   you possibly can."  Legion Cabs in Sydney
        tasting all different beers) then a                        (when they were based
        red wine with a Cointreau and ice   “Say what you will do” and then   in Surry Hills / inner
        to finish.  As you can see it would be   “Do what you Say” – always to a   city).
        unlikely to be just for 1 hour!  high standard / level.

                            DRIVE A2B magazine · · May 2020             17
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