Page 12 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 12

road safety


              take care

              Despite less road traffic, you must

              remember to be careful and drive safely.

        Motorists should not treat the   “The reality is that common factors   now only driving short distances for
        noticeable reduction in traffic   associated with road trauma –   essential items or services, it was
        because of COVID-19 restrictions   speed, alcohol, fatigue, inattention   important to remember that many
        as a green light to speed, drive   and failing to wear seatbelts – have   crashes happened close to home.
        under the influence or flout other   not all gone away just because
        important road safety laws, a   there are fewer vehicles on our   There are also more cyclists
        leading personal injuries lawyer   roads each day,” she said.  sharing the roads at present due to
        has warned.                                                people dusting off their old bikes
                                     “Already this year we’ve lost more   or buying new ones to get some
        Canda Glanville, a Principal at   than 80 people to road trauma,   exercise during the lockdowns, she
        Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, said   many of whom died in completely   added.
        too many lives were still being lost   avoidable circumstances. And let’s
        on Victorian roads despite fewer   not forget that for every person   “Regardless of how much traffic is on
        people getting behind the wheel   killed on our roads another 30   the road, or how far we are driving,
        since restrictions were brought   people are injured, some who will   we all need to give the road and
        in to help slow the spread of the   never fully recover.”  everyone on it 100 per cent focus to
        coronavirus pandemic.                                      help ensure that no more lives are
                                     She said while most people were   needlessly lost or ruined.”

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