Page 11 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 11


                                                      The wheels turn slowly in

 COVID-19                                             government, which is often
                                                      frustrating for an industry in
                                                      pain, but we are still moving
 INDUSTRY                                             forward.               "


 PACKAGE  The Andrews Government has   expectations - we must accept the   Vehicle Reforms of 2017 and the
                                                                   government’s response, which was
        also come to recognise the taxi
                                     reality that not everything will get
        industry is an essential service and
                                                                   due to be released in May.
        needs to be supported, and that
        the role taxis play for our elderly   COVID-19 support for the industry   The coronavirus pandemic and
        and people with disability must be   is urgent and therefore Minister   the government's urgent need to
        maintained.                  Horne has provided resources   respond, means we won’t get a
                                     from the Department of Transport   response in May. However, once we
        Since the onset of the COVID-19   to assist us in creating a speedy   get the COVID-19 support package
        restrictions I have heard from many   but comprehensive set of   in place, I will be continuing
        individuals, owner/operators, small   recommendations.     to work in this advisory role to
        and large networks with pleas for                          develop and implement the
        help and ideas that will make a   Our job is to support the taxi   Government's response to the
        difference and keep taxis on the   industry through this crisis while   reforms.
        roads.                       also developing a pathway to move
                                     forward on the other side.    I want to put a base under the
        Many worthy suggestions have                               industry from which we can grow
        been presented for consideration.    Many people have asked about   and develop a safe, positive and
        However, we must manage our   the Parliamentary Inquiry into   sustainable industry for the future.
                                     the Commercial Passenger

                            DRIVE A2B magazine · · May 2020              11
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