Page 8 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 8

     WALES                  TRANSPOR T  ALLIANCE AUS TRALIA   (T AA )

                    Update on the

                    month that


                    It's been another busy    and vehicles - with their
                    month for us at Transport   attitude, attentiveness and
                    Alliance Australia.  We have   cleanliness.  Well done!
                    been reading, writing, talking   This certainly goes a long   André Baruch
                    and listening.            way in building community    Transport Alliance Australia
                                              confidence in Victoria's CPVs.
                    We have written a
                    submission to the Essential   Many business entities
                    Services Commission       have approached the
                    Unbooked Taxi Fare Review,   CPVV in recent months
                    and you can read a summary   with regards to processing   with MPTP transactions.
                    on pages 7-8 of this edition   MPTP transactions without   Apparently there are some
                    of DRIVE A2B.             using a Cabcharge Eftpos   instances where MPTP cards
                                              terminal.  At this stage there   are being used for non-
                    Every week we attend CPVV's   are still only two accredited   approved purposes/travel.
                    COVID-19 Industry Update   providers, Cabcharge and   Drivers - you know the rules
                    online video meetings.  It is   Oiii, but watch this space and   - please try to ensure that
                    at these meetings that we   we will keep you informed   you and your passengers are
                    are able to keep abreast of   as to who else you can "work   following them.
                    the initiatives that CPVV are   with" to process your MPTP
                    undertaking and also ask   fares.                   Reminder that your Fare
                    relevant COVID-19 questions.                        Compliant device (previously
                                              Obey the rules            known as a meter) must be
                    Currently, when people arrive                       updated to calculate tolls.
                    in Victoria at Melbourne   We may be in lockdown but   The deadline for this was 1
                    Airport they are placed in   that does not stop anyone   May 2020.
                    14-day quarantine.  Victoria's   from obeying the rules and
                    Commercial Passenger      regulations of the industry.    Some industry entities/
                    Vehicles (CPV) have been                            vehicles have been granted
                    the source of transportation   You must keep your car in a   an extension, as they have
                    for taking them to their next   good roadworthy condition,   other things in place that
                    destinations after their time   ensuring that everything   will make the current meters
                    in quarantine.            is safe for you and your   obsolete in their vehicles.  If
                                              passengers.  You must also   you haven’t updated your
                    Department of Jobs,       adhere to the rules regarding   meter and you haven’t
                    Precincts and Regions     signage both inside and   received an extension from
                    (DJPR), which co-ordinates   outside of your vehicle.  the CPVV then you MUST
                    these trips, is most                                install an updated Fare
                    impressed with all  drivers   CPVV have advised that   Compliant device TODAY!
                                              there is fraud happening
      8                     DRIVE A2B magazine · · May 2020
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