Page 15 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 15


                                                             Submissions close on
                                                              Sunday 31 May 2020

        5.  the role and function of the   other Point to Point Transport   For further information, please refer
            Point to Point Transport   services in NSW.            to the “Committees” section of the
            Commissioner, and                                      Parliament of NSW’s website on
                                     The committee has welcomed
        6.  any other related matter.                    
                                     stakeholders of the NSW Taxi   au/committees/inquiries/pages/
        This inquiry presents another   Industry to have their say and submit   inquiries.aspx.
        significant opportunity for the NSW   their comments to the inquiry via an
        Taxi Industry along with the Point to   online questionnaire on Parliament   The NSW Taxi Council is currently
        Point Transport Independent Review   of NSW’s website. The organisations   working to look at effective and
        2020, as the Upper House committee   who intend to make a detailed   efficient ways to engage and consult
        examines the operation of The Point   written submission can lodge their   with the members and stakeholders
        to Point Transport Act, 2016, which   comments for the inquiry via email   of the NSW Taxi Industry in metro
        has now been in place for almost   or uploading on the Parliament   and regional NSW, keeping in
        four years. During this time, the   Committee’s website. A detailed   mind particularly the challenges
        NSW Taxi Industry has experienced   written submission could also be   we all have due to the strict social
        unprecedented changes and    sent in writing to the committee.   distancing guidelines announced by
        disruption as the legislation legalised                    the government.

                            DRIVE A2B magazine · · May 2020             15
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