Page 25 - drive a2b may 2020
P. 25

During the first period the group   with regards to enforcement (or lack   but this is the ugly reality of this
        claimed that the State failed to take   thereof) of government regulations.    decision."
        action other than imposing fines on   He also stated that "succeeding in
        ride booking drivers.  Justice Bradley   a contention that the enactment of   "So, while these guys are copping it
        stated that "this alleged conduct   amending legislation was conduct in   today, I warn you guys will get your
        is plainly about the enforcement   trade or commerce is also hopeless".   turn."
        or failure to enforce the Act and                          Mr Katter, who has been a big
        regulations" and "... is distinctively   Mr Bob Katter, Federal member   advocate of compensation for the
        governmental".               for Kennedy said, "It's just another
                                     classic example where the people   Queensland taxi licence owners,
        "In the second period, the alleged   that are supposed to be looking after   has stated that he will appeal this
        conduct is the amendment of   us are not on our side," he said.  verdict and go to the High Court in a
        the Act" and ".... is distinctively                        further attempt to recover some of
        parliamentary."              "I have no idea how many [taxi   the money lost since ridesharing was
                                     licence owners] are homeless,   introduced in 2016.
        He found that the taxi licence owners   suffering deep depression or how
        had no real prospect in succeeding   many suicides there have been –
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                            DRIVE A2B magazine · · May 2020             25
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