Page 20 - drive a2b july 2020 web
P. 20
and Camera
Downloads Rod Barton MLC
Leader, Transport Matters Party
Last month it was reported to me that the Victorian Channel 31 (C31), the local television station for
regulator, Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria, Melbourne and Geelong, was forecast to be gone
refused Wodonga police access to camera footage for good at the end of June 2020. It was going to be
after a stolen credit card was used to pay a taxi replaced by white noise.
fare. The regulator determined that the offence
was not serious enough to pursue and it would There is just no reason why we would scrap a
require two CPVV safety compliance staff to travel service that is still being used and enjoyed, that is
to Wodonga for two days, including an overnight sustaining itself, and is so obviously needed and
stay, and they would consider the request if the valued by the community.
taxi driver involved was prepared to drive to
Melbourne. C31 in Melbourne has helped to launch the
careers of countless media professionals such
This is not the first time this has happened. as Rove, Hamish & Andy, Waleed Aly, Nazeem
It happened again in March when police Hussain, and Corinne Grant, and has provided
investigations were halted by the regulator’s valuable experience for TV and film students and
refusal to hand over footage after a taxi was used, production professionals.
unbeknown to the driver, as a getaway car for
several alleged burglaries in Wodonga. During the COVID-19 pandemic local channels
have been able to air content for local community
In other states cutting-edge technology is used groups who are no longer able to meet in person.
to protect both the passenger and the driver With 2.5 million Australians without access to the
with video AND audio recordings that can be internet to watch online services, local television
downloaded by an authorised officer. has been quick to respond to needs in their
communities, streaming live masses over Easter
In Victoria we have the same systems that were in and providing COVID-19 information in minority
the vehicles when I drove taxis, many years ago. languages.
I have asked the Minister for Transport if there At the eleventh hour, the Victorian government
are any plans to implement improved systems granted C31 $120,000 to assist it in transitioning
to protect passengers and facilitate access to to a digital model. In turn the Federal government
evidence for police investigations. extended C31's broadcast licence for another 12
months. This is great news for the community and
Channel 31 all Victorians!
In the last sitting week I had the honour to table Until next month, stay safe and stay well.
a document containing the signatures of almost
4000 people asking for support from our state and Rod Barton MP
federal communications ministers for renewal of Leader, Transport Matters Party
its broadcasting licences.
20 DRIVE A2B magazine · · July 2020