Page 56 - Ipsos
P. 56

Information Classification: Internal Use
                                                                      Ipsos Book of Policies & Procedures

                     Information        Retention          Backup         Justification     Information
                                         Period         requirements                           owner

                                      (unless otherwise   (unless otherwise
                                     specified by the local   specified by the client
                                       law, client or the   or the asset owner)
                                        asset owner)
                                       E-mails older
                                     than 12 months
                                      will be purged                     To control costs,
                                      from all e-mail   E-Mail System
                      E-mail data    accounts, except   not to be used    manage data
                       retention        the emails      for long term       and allow      Business Unit
                      (Inbox/Sent     located in the       storage.      future migration      Head
                        Items)        O365 Archive                       paths of the e-
                                     folders that will                   mail application
                                      be managed as
                                      defined bellow.

                                                                         To control costs,
                                      E-mails  older    E-Mail System
                      E-mail data    than 7 years will   not to be used   manage data
                       stored in      be purged from    for long term       and allow      Business Unit
                    Archives: data      all e-mail         storage.      future migration      Head
                       retention         archives                        paths of the e-
                                                                         mail application
                                     Deleted E-mails
                                         can be
                                      recovered from    Daily backups
                    Email accounts    the trash after    which are only   Business need    Business Unit
                         data         30 days except     for Disaster                          Head
                                     for mailboxes put    Recovery
                                       on legal hold
                                      Generic OOO
                                       message is
                   Departed Users:                       No Backup.
                    E-Mail Mailbox      Access to
                         data        Departed Users     Retention on                       Business Unit
                   Access for Direct   E-mail Account     system as      Business Need         Head
                      Manager or     for maximum 30    defined on Legal
                    delegated staff    days can be          Hold
                                        provided if

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