Page 16 - LHP News Autumn 2018
P. 16
LHP is celebrating after our Telecare
division gained Telecare Service
Association - TSA accreditation at its
first audit.
Inspected annually telecare services are provided PART IN THE AUDIT PROCESS AND
as a life-critical service which customers must be ACCREDIATION DEMONSTRATES TO
able to rely upon in times of need. The inspection OUR CUSTOMERS THAT THEY ARE PUT
ensures continued compliance with the robust AT THE HEART OF OUR SERVICES.”
requirements of the TSA’s Code of Practice as well
as challenging key performance indicators to make
sure users receive the best service available. LHP business development manager
Bev Chapman
The audit also inspected the customer contact
centre and the Telecare referral unit with the
independent auditor praising the qualities of
services provided by LHP.
Accreditation gives reassurance and confidence to
customers, carers and commissioners that quality
safe services are being provided to the most
vulnerable people in society.
0345 604 1472