Page 147 - International Marketing
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BRILLIANT'S Managing International Market 149
service and value for money are rising simultaneously. In order to
keep pace salespeople need constantly to be aware of this
through intelligence-gathering, and feed it back to their organiza-
Consumer Avoidance of Buyer-Seller Negotiations: Consum-
ers frustrated by negative experiences of sales people, are turn-
ing to alternative channels, e.g. the internet and fixed price deal-
ers, especially for high value items.
Expanding Power of Giant Retailers: Due to their increasing
power, dominant retailers are by passing, wholesalers and dis-
tributors to buy direct from manufacturers who give them ‘key
account’ status. In the USA, companies such as Wal-Mart (www.
walmart. com), Kmart ( etc. have grown bigger
and more powerful than the manufacturers that supply them and
are now dictating the buyer-seller relationship.
2. Technological Factors
Sales force Automation: New sales and service-oriented com-
puter software is transforming the way sales people carry out
their functions. Time-consuming administrative tasks are being
reduced through computer software and developments in hard-
ware, e.g. notebook computers means that salespeople have a
virtual mobile office.
Electronic Sales Channels: The internet and world wide web
have enabled organizations to reach a larger number of prospec-
tive customers. Salespeople have taken advantages of these
developments and the technology has also enabled the provi-
sion of customer support for basic and self help service.
3. Managerial Factors
Moving to Direct Marketing Alternatives: The drive for effi-
ciency is a strong incentives for sales manager to seek alterna-
tives to personal selling, such as telemarketing, directonael and
teleselling. In Business to Business (B2B) marketing in particu-
lar, field sales forces increasingly find themselves as part of a
combination of a selling personnel, who include telesales repre-
sentatives, and field sales representatives for negotiation and
relationship-building purposes.