Page 151 - International Marketing
P. 151


                             BRILLIANT'S                 Managing International Market   153

                                    Repatriation expenses
                                 5. Evaluating sales force: In many overseas markets, the sales
                             force is evaluated on their performance as a team rather than as an indi-
                             vidual. In contrast, some markets evaluate their performance on individual
                             basis. In US, low performing sales persons are forced to leave the firm,
                             either voluntarily or involuntarily. Whereas in Japan, firms continue to employ
                             lower performing sales personnel. One of the problem faced by Japanese
                             sales managers is how to motivate the poor performers.
                                 Another problem faced by domestic sales manager is to evaluate the
                             performance of expatriates and their contribution to the organization. It
                             can only be done by minimizing the physical distance between sales
                             managers and expatriates through direct communication.
                                 Thus, in global sales situations, different sales goals require different
                             assessment criteria.                                                                        

                                                REVIEW QUESTIONS
                             Q.1. Discuss the main features of international marketing research. Also
                                   explain its process and the complexities involved in it.[See Q.18]
                             Q.2. Explain:
                                   (i) International Marketing Intelligence.      [See Q.19]
                                   (ii) Types of Organizational Structures in Foreign Market.
                                                                                  [See Q.21]
                             Q.3. What are factors which influence the organizational design in mul-
                                   tinationals? Also describe the selection criteria and merits and de-
                                   merits of various types of organizational structures.
                                                                             [See Q.20 & 21]
                             Q.4. Define International Marketing. What are the objectives involved and
                                   difficulties faced by international marketing communication?
                                                                                  [See Q.22]
                             Q.5. Which type of sales persons are preferred over other: expatriates,
                                   local hire or third country salespersons? And why? Also explain the
                                   criteria for managing the global sales force.  [See Q.23]


                               “Any Mission is possible, if you use your imagination.”...
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