Page 150 - International Marketing
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                             152                   International Marketing       BRILLIANT'S

                                 2. Training of sales force: When a new salesperson is appointed, it
                             has to get familiarized with the company's environment. He is also given
                             training. Training can be either standardized or localized.
                                 When a local or third-country salesperson is hired, sales training
                             must provide them with product knowledge, company information and
                             sales skills. For expatriates, who are selected to sell  in an overseas
                             market, their training must focus on understanding culture and special
                             sale problem.
                                 Training  is not  a one  time  affair.  A company  must  arrange the
                             periodic training for its workers because it helps to increase the effi-
                             ciency of  sales force. With  the use  of technology also,  training has
                             become more efficient.
                                 3. Motivating sales personnel: Global sales persons work hard,
                             experience frustrations while travelling and interacting with buyers from
                             other cultures and being away from their families. A global salesperson
                             must remain motivated for higher performance. Thus, a firm must design
                             an effective motivation system for the global sales force.
                                 In US, firms motivate salespersons on their individual ability to work
                             hard and succeed. As a result, Western companies emphasizes on indi-
                             vidual pay systems and rewards to motivate their salesperson. In Asian
                             countries, group pay systems and reward play a major role.
                                 Besides these, the opportunity for growth within the firm also moti-
                             vates the sales force. Another  thing can  be their  participation in the
                             company's decisions.
                                 4. Compensating sales personnel: Global firms operate in multiple
                             locations and thus, it is difficult to offer a single compensation plan for all.
                             Thus, compensation plans vary widely. Expatriates receive a higher sal-
                             ary as they operate in two locations, viz, home country and one location
                             abroad. They expect higher salary that allows their family to live comfort-
                             ably in a secure area of overseas country.
                                 In addition, the firm incurs a number of expenses which includes
                             schools, annual vacations, added security, etc. Thus, the total pay pack-
                             age offered for a foreign assignment will cover the following incentives.
                                    Cost of living adjustment allowances or city compensatory al-
                                    House rent or housing allowance.
                                    Children education or hostel expenses
                                    Leave travel assistance i.e. paid home trips.
                                    Relocation allowances
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