Page 272 - International Marketing
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                             274                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                 5. Advance against Incentives: The government of India, extends
                             certain incentives to the exporters such as the Duty Drawback (DBK) ,
                             International Price Reimbursement Scheme (IPRS) , etc. Such incentives
                             are realized only after the shipment of goods and receipt of the export
                             proceeds. Banks offer pre-shipment as well as post-shipment finance
                             against such incentives.
                                 6. Advance against Undrawn Balances: In certain lines of exports,
                             exporters do not draw bills for the full invoice value of goods but leave a small
                             part undrawn for adjustments on account of differences in rates, weight,
                             quality etc. Such differences can be adjusted only on the approval of goods.
                             Banks offer post-shipment finance against such undrawn balances.
                                 7. Advance against Retention Money: In the case of exports of capi-
                             tal goods or construction contracts, the importer retains a part of the con-
                             tract price towards guarantee of performance or completion of the projects.
                             This unpaid part is known as retention money for a period of 90 days.
                                 8. Advance against Deferred Payments: In case of exports of capital
                             goods or construction contracts, the exporter receives a certain portion of
                             the contract price as advance or down payment while the balance is re-
                             ceived in installments over a period of time. Banks together with the EXIM
                             bank  offer post-shipment  finance against  deferred payment  at a
                             concessional rate of interest.
                             Difference between Pre-shipment Finance and Post- ship-
                             ment Finance

                                 Points of             Pre-shipment Finance  Post-shipment Finance
                             1.  Meaning      Pre-shipment finance ref-  Post-shipment finance re-
                                              ers to the credit extended  fers to the credit extended to
                                              to the exporters prior to the  the exporters after the ship-
                                              shipment of goods for the  ment of goods for meeting
                                              execution of the export order.  working capital requirement.
                             2.  Purpose      It is granted for specific  Short-term finance is ex-
                                              purposes such as purch-  tended for meeting working
                                              ase, processing,manufact-  capital requirement and
                                              uring or packing of goods  medium and long-term for
                                              as defined by the RBI.  exports on deferred payment.

                             3.  Amount of    Generally, the amount of  Post-shipment finance can
                                 Finance      packing credit does not  be given to the extent of 100%
                                              exceed the FOB value of  of the invoice value of the
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