Page 273 - International Marketing
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BRILLIANT'S                     Export Management           275

                                              goods to be exported or  goods exported.
                                              their domestic value whic-
                                              hever is less.
                             4.  Beneficiary  It is extended to the Indian  It is extended to the Indian
                                              exporters or deemed ex-  exporters as well as the over-
                                              porters from India.    seas exporters.
                             5.  Form of      It is extended in the follow-  It is extended in the follow-
                                 Finance      ing forms:             ing forms:
                                              1. Extended Packing credit  1. Discounting of exports
                                                 loan.                  bills.
                                              2. Packing credit loan  2. Against undrawn bal-
                                                    (hypothecation and Ple-  ances.
                                                 dge).               3. Against retention money.
                                              3. Secured shipping loan.  4. Against goods on consi-
                                              It is granted for a maxim-
                             6.  Period of   NPP                     It can be granted for short,
                                 Credit       um period of 180 days and  medium, and long term for
                                              can be further extended for  periods ranging from 90
                                              a period of 90 days with  days to 12 years depending
                                              the prior permission of  upon the nature of exports.
                                              the RBI.
                             7.  Documentary  It is extended against the  It is extended against the
                                 Evidence     documentary evidence of  evidence of shipping docum-
                                              confirmed export order or  ents certified by the customs
                                              letter of credit.      authorities.
                             8.  Lending      It is generally extended by  Short-term pre-shipment
                                 Institutions  commercial banks in India.  credit is extended by the
                                                                     commercial banks while
                                                                     medium and long-term credit
                                                                     is extended by the EXIM

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