Page 34 - International Marketing
P. 34
36 International Marketing BRILLIANT'S
tion. Receive a return for its exports, a country must ultimately import
either goods or services. Imports pay for export- both of which may con-
sist of services as well as of goods.
Services, the so-called "invisible items" of international trade, have
occasioned confusion in the minds of many because until recently only
the commodities actually exchanged have appeared on the national trade
balances. While the basis of foreign and domestic commerce are the
same, international trade is for more complicated because of new factors
which enter into the transactions. False theories, nationalism differences
in language and customs, so complicate exchange of goods between
nations as to make impossible a comparison with domestic trade.
Theoretical international trade is every bit as logical and worthwhile
as interstate trade. Yet nations tend to restrict the import of certain goods
for a variety of reasons. Despite such restrictions, international steadily
since World War II. Many of the industrialized nations have signed trade
agreements intended to eliminate problem in international business and
to help less-developed nation participate in world trade. Individual firms
around the world have seized the opportunity to compete in foreign mar-
kets by reporting products and increasing foreign production, as well as
by other means.
Q.7. Discuss theory of Human Capital and theory of Identical
Preferences. [MBA-2012]
Write detailed note on: Any three foreign trade theories.
Eluclidate the different theories of International Marketing
with the help of suitable example. [MBA (FT) 2009]
Write short note on: Basic of International Trade.
[MBA(FT) 2008]
Explain the theory of comparative advantage.[MBA (FT) 2007]
Only name all theories of International Trade. Discuss the
“comparative cost (Advantage) Theory.” Do we need a new
theory in the era of globalization? [MBA (FT) 2005]
Describe very briefly various foreign trade theories. Do we need
a new theory in trade era of globalisation? [MBA (FT) 2004]