Page 26 - BiTS_11_NOVEMBER_2021
P. 26


                                                                    By Lawrence Lebo

                                        Patty Tuite began playing guitar and singing at open mic sessions in
                                        Springfield, MA during the early 1990’s.  This led to her first live
                                           recording in 1996 titled “Live At The Tic Toc”. Patty’s first blues-
                                            based band, The Patty Tuite Band, formed in 1999, playing
                                             throughout the Southern New England region, and gaining fans
                                             at clubs, functions, and summer concert festivals.  Patty
                                             released her second recording “Girls Night Out” in 2001,
                                        followed by “Blond and Blue” in 2007.

                       Due to their showing at the Connecticut Blues Society (CTBS) 2001 and 2005

            statewide competitions, The Patty Tuite band competed in the finals of the Connecticut Blues
    Society “Blues Challenge”. Two of Patty’s originals were chosen to be included on the CTBS
                                                                  compilation CDs, “Local Flavor” (2003) and
                                                                  “Blue State Blues” (2007). Patty was also
                                                                  invited to judge for the CTBS “Blues
                                                                  Challenge” on two occasions.

                                                                  From 2007-2017 Patty played with two more
                                                                  blues bands, the Boilermakers and the

                                                                  Percolators, and branched out into jazz,
                                                                  playing with an Eastern Connecticut band
                                                                  called Blue Steam. It was a creative and
                                                                  expansive collaboration, not only playing
                                                                  standards, but reinterpreting popular songs
                                                                  with a jazz bent. Then in 2016, Patty created
                                                                  The Patty Tuite Group. The group played a

                                                                  mix of originals, blues, jazz, and rock
                                                                  favourites. The band became very active
                                                                  playing local clubs throughout Southern New

           Patty Tuite in the groove or the grove                 When pandemic lockdown requirements
                                                                  began, Patty continued writing new songs,
                                                                  performing online and sharing videos with
    her fan base. On May 3, 2021, Patty released her fourth album titled “Consider This.”  The recording

    features a fantastic array of new material all written and composed by Patty, and produced by
    Grammy award winner Paul Nelson, who also plays electric, slide and acoustic guitar on the album.
    “Consider This” reflects strong influences of such notable artists as Bonnie Raitt, Ella Fitzgerald,
    Etta James and Susan Tedeschi coming through in Patty’s vocal style …. with a slight jazz bent!

    I asked Patty Tuite to tell us about herself and her new release “Consider This”.

    This is what she told me ……

    LL: So, where did you grow and what was your family like?

    PT: I grew up in a university town in New England, where we had exposure to cultural events,
    student concerts, sports, and student activities. My mother was a teacher, and my father was a
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