Page 26 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 26

Learning Technology                                                                                                                                                                    Learning Technology

                                                                                                                               Having completed our first year with our new  for coding that students at Beacon Hill School
                                                                                                                               Learning Technology space ‘The Cloud’, we had  enjoy. Students across all year levels are

                                                                                                                               a great year further developing our technology  being given the skills to explore their creativity
                                                                                                                               provision and programs across the school.             through designing programs and software. We
                                                                                                                               During the school year we have improved the  were very pleased to have three students in

                                                                                                                               equipment available for students to use in  Year 6 publish apps to the App Store as part
                                                                                                                               The Cloud. This has included the purchase  of their PYP Exhibition.

                                                                                                                               of a larger 3D printer, MakeBlock robotics
                                                                                                                               equipment, Makey Makeys, Raspberry Pis and  Education trends in technology have been
                                                                                                                               other equipment to support the technology and  moving towards a greater focus on creativity,

                                                                                                                               coding curricula. After the successful roll out  innovation and making. It has been a focus
                                                                                                                               of iPads in Years 1, Year 2 and The Cloud, we  this year to bring creativity with technology to

                                                                                                                               purchased 15 more iPads for general student  all year levels. In Year 4, students designed
                                                                                                                               use in addition to 10 iPads in the Library.           and 3D printed an entire city by each student
                                                                                                                                                                                     creating an individual building. The project was

                                                                                                                               Our 1:1 Chromebook program has continued to  part of Year 4’s structures Unit of Inquiry
                                                                                                                               be successful since rolling out to Year 4 and 5.  and enabled the students to learn 3D CAD

                                                                                                                               We made the decision to extend the program  software and how to manipulate 3D shapes to
                                                                                                                               down to Year 3 with the additional purchase  build objects. The final city impressed the CAD
                                                                                                                               of 100 Chromebooks. These Chromebooks are  software developers who used images of it on

                                                                                                                               designed for younger learners with a drop  their website and in their education training
                                                                                                                               proof casing and carrying handle for moving  materials. Students in Year 5 designed cars

                                                                                                                               around the school. The students have been  which they 3D printed, they then added
                                                                                                                               using them across all curriculum areas and  electronics to them to build electric wind
                                                                                                                               this deployment has enabled us to revise areas  powered cars for a race. Year 6 worked on a

                                                                                                                               of the curriculum to bring more skills based  robotics and coding project towards the end of
                                                                                                                               technology learning into Year 3.                      the school year where they built robot ‘Balloon

                                                                                                                                                                                     Battle Bots’ that they coded to battle each
                                  Learning Technology                                                                          Our Learning Technology scope and sequence is  other trying to pop the other robots’ balloons.

                                                                                                                               broadly based on the ISTE (International Society

                                                                                                                               for Technology in Education) standards. We  Mr Stuart Lowe rejoined Beacon Hill School on
                                                                                                                               have begun to move our curricular goals over to  a full-time basis. He is working with all students

                                                                                                                               the newly revised standards that include more  in the school as well as supporting staff in their
                                                                                                                               modern uses of technology for creativity and  development of learning technology skills.
                                                                                                                               a larger focus on digital citizenship. This year

                                                                                                                               also saw the expansion of the opportunities
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