Page 29 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 29

Learning Technology                                                           Learning Technology

 As part of our new House Points system at
 Beacon Hill School, we wanted to have a system

 for managing the points that was modern and
 simple for staff and students to use. We have
 developed an app for all mobile devices and the

 web to do this. The apps work in conjunction
 with a back end system we built in-house to

 keep and manage all the data. Students and
 staff are excited about the new system.

 Beacon Hill School worked with IT staff at
 ESF Centre this year to trial the new portfolio

 and assessment system called Evidencer.
 Teachers in Year 1 and specialist  teachers
 added evidence of learning through photos and

 videos that were tied to learning outcomes.
 The system is easy for parents to access at

 any time to see updates on their children’s

 We continued with our subscriptions to Brain
 Pop, Brain Pop Junior, Purple Mash, Britannica

 Online, Mathletics, Reading Eggs and EnTrak.
 We also subscribed to a service called Big
 Universe  to give students  access to high

 quality online resources that are suitable for
 their age and ability level.

 Mr Stuart Lowe
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