Page 32 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 32

Physical Education                                                                                                                                                                       Physical Education

        Another part of the 50th anniversary of the  swimming), health and fitness, adventure
        ESF was a celebration of dance. 15 students  challenge and games (ball games, striking and

        practiced  for the whole second term  with  fielding, net/wall games).  Years 4, 5 and
        professional dance teachers (Agnes and  6 also participated in a four week swimming
        Kenny) and performed their amazing dance,  programme. Years 1 to 5 had a 6 week unit

        Under the Same Sky, at the ESF Celebration  where they went to Kowloon Tsai Park to play
        of Dance performance. Thanks to Agnes and  a variety of games and sports.

        Kenny (parents of Karsten (2K)) for giving up
        their time to teach the students. The dance  Mr Jump Jam, Brett Fairweather, also visited
        incorporated  many  different  dance  styles  –  the school and trained up some Beacon Hill

        ballet, hip hop, Bollywood just to name a few! students to be future Jump Jam coordinators!
                                                              We look forward to seeing them teach their

        With the introduction of houses at Beacon  classmates this year.
        Hill it also allowed the school to have inter-
        house sporting competitions. Two inter-                                                 Mr Tim Teahan

        house competitions were held with Xìn Xìn
        (confidence) winning both the inaugural

        football and basketball competitions.

        Sports Day was another great success and for

        the first time we split Sports Day over two
        days. Also, for the first time the Year 3s to 6s

        sports day were competing for the Sports Day
        House Trophy. In a very close competition Xìn
        Xìn (confidence) were the first house to win

        the Sports Day trophy by only 16 points!

        The students were offered a diverse curriculum
        as well. Year 1s and 2s had two PMP sessions
        per week and one PE lesson. Thanks to the

        parents who volunteered to help with the
        PMP programme. Years 3 to 6 had two PE

        lessons per week - one with Mr Teahan and
        one with their class teachers. The units of PE
        covered  movement  composition  (gymnastics

        and dance), individual pursuits (athletics and
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