Page 57 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 57
School Community School Community
Beacon Hill School is a community school -
we value the partnership between school,
students and parents. It is important to
continually nurture and grow the sense of
belonging we have at BHS. We always welcome
and encourage parents to be actively involved
in their child’s education and in other areas.
This is evident in the tremendous support
we have especially in the lower year groups
where parent support means we can offer
our rich PMP programme and provide valuable
structured play opportunities. Many of our
excursions can only happen because of the
support of many parents.
This year we continued to grow our BHS
Community Choir with the choir performing at
several ESF and school events.
This year our mother tongue language groups
became more established, with the support of
ESF. Our Korean and Japanese mums provided
year-long structured ‘clubs’ for our students
who are native speakers of these languages.
In the coming year, we are building on this
with a group of mums who would like to offer
School Community reading sessions in Mandarin at lunchtimes.
Our PTA worked very hard throughout the year
to provide uniform services, social events and
fundraisers. They play a vital role in promoting
the school community. I would like to thank
them for all the work they do, most of it behind
the scenes.