Page 59 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 59

BHS PTA                                                                                      BHS PTA

        Beacon Hill School Parent Teacher Association
        Limited (“BHS PTA”)                                   In addition to PTA fees, in 2016-17 the BHS PTA

                                                              has continued to organise fundraising events
        With full support from our Students, Parents,  that promote a positive social atmosphere at
        Guardians, Families, Principal, Vice Principals,  Beacon Hill School like the Christmas Disco,

        Teachers, Educational Assistants, School Staff  the Quiz Day, Year Group Bakes Sales of BHS
        and School Caretakers, we have had a great  family donated baked goods and Year Group

        positive vibe and BHS Community cooperation  Pizza Lunches.  Our largest fundraising event
        throughout the past school year.                      during the school year is the annual BHS PTA
                                                              International Food Fair (“IFF”) and Grand

        Our BHS PTA Fees have continued to be fully  Raffle Ticket Draw where the net proceeds
        paid-up and we thank Beacon Hill School for  from Grand Raffle Ticket Sales are pledged and

        collection on behalf of the BHS PTA and thank  donated to Beacon Hill School.  This 2016-17
        our PTA family members.  These PTA fees of  School Year over HKD$160,000 was donated
        approximately just over HKD$120,000 help to  to  Beacon  Hill  School  earmarked  towards

        partially fund our BHS PTA Community Events  providing a ceramics expert to work with every
        and Student Sponsorships that support Beacon  student in the school to help celebrate the

        Hill School throughout the school year.               school’s 50th anniversary.

        BHS PTA Community Events in the past  Total monetary donations and contributions via

        2016-17 School Year the PTA has organised  community events and student sponsorships to
        or supported have included the New Parents  Beacon Hill School in 2016-17 have been over

        Welcome Wine & Cheese Party, the Welcome  HKD$270,000, in addition to countless BHS
        Bowling Social, the Christmas Carol Concert,  community volunteers, food, service and gift
        the Chinese New Year Lion Dance performances  donations to BHS PTA events.

        for Parents and Students assemblies and the
        Junior Choir Easter Concert refreshments.             Further to our work outlined previously, the

                                                              BHS PTA assists to maintain the Uniform
 BHS PTA  Student Sponsorships in the past 2016-17  Shop, sourcing and offering summer and

        School Year have included the Mathletics  winter uniforms, accessories and stationery

        License per BHS Student, the Mid-Autumn  sales.  The Uniform Shop is open on a regular
        Festival Mini Market to support the Mandarin  basis before and after school hours.  A year-

        Department, the International Food Fair  end stock take by volunteers was performed
        Raffle Tickets Sales prize outing for top Y1-3  at the end of June 2017 as part of the BHS
        and Y4-6 class and the  Year 6 Graduation  PTA Annual Audit.

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