Page 54 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 54

External Assessment Results 2016 - 2017                                                                                                             External Assessment Results 2016 - 2017

        In 2016-17, all Year 4, 5 and 6 sat the International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) in late

        September. The ISA assessment has been specially developed to measure skills in mathematical                                          ISA: Mathematical Literacy and Reading (Mean Score)
        literacy, reading and writing of students in international schools. The ISA has been developed
        by the Australian Council for Educational Research.                                                                             500

        The assessments included a reading literacy test, a mathematical literacy test and two writing                                  400

        tests.  The tests included both multiple-choice and open-ended tasks.                                                           350
        The scores are reported using the ISA Scale Score which ranges from 0-800.                                                    ISA Scale Score  250                                                            BHS

        The scores on any single scale are comparable regardless of which level of assessment is taken.                                 150                                                                           All ISA Schools

        For example, a score of 325 on the Year 4 Mathematical Literacy assessment indicates the                                        100
        same level of proficiency as a score of 325 on the Year 6 Mathematical Literacy assessment.                                      50

        However, the ISA scale scores are not comparable across subjects. For example, a score of                                                Yr 4       Yr 5       Yr 6      Yr 4       Yr 5       Yr 6
        325 for Mathematical Literacy does not necessarily indicate the same level of proficiency as a                                            Mathematical Literacy                    Reading

        score of 325 for Reading Literacy. The charts below show that the average Beacon Hill School
        student in each year group attained higher than the average student in the corresponding ISA
                                                                                                                                                                 ISA: Writing (Mean Score)

        ISA Years 4, 5 & 6 September 2016                                                                                               600

        Mean ISA Scale Score (per student)

                          Mathematical              Reading                Writing                Writing                               500
                             Literacy                                     Narrative             Exposition                              400

                        Y4      Y5     Y6      Y4      Y5     Y6      Y4     Y5      Y6     Y4      Y5      Y6
             BHS       354     421    465 362 378 443 398 432 490 422 464 502                                                         ISA Scale Score  300

             ESF        317    388 446         311    356     417    381     421    470     410    452 494                              200                                                                          BHS

          ISA cohort 306       377     431     291    345 403 363 404 452 399 438 479                                                   100                                                                          All ISA Schools


                                                                                                                                                 Yr 4       Yr 5      Yr 6       Yr 4       Yr 5      Yr 6
                                                                                               Ms Susan Chung
                                                                                                                                                         Narrative                       Exposition

                                                                                                                                                          Writing                         Writing
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59