Page 9 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 9

A Shared Philosophy of Learning and Teaching  A Shared Philosophy of Learning and Teaching

 Created by teachers and EAs - September 2016  6. We believe learning should be collaborative   9. We believe that the BHS community should foster
 3. We believe learners thrive when there is a   respecting everybody’s opinions and beliefs.  strong partnerships between home, school and
 1. We believe in fostering independent learners who  balanced approach to learning.  student, provide rich opportunities for collaboration
 are motivated and confident to try new things and   Therefore we will:  and cater for the needs of all individuals.
 welcome challenge.  Therefore we will:  •  provide collaborative learning opportunities
 •  provide appropriate opportunities for students   •  promote whole body listening and develop social   Therefore we will:
 Therefore we will:  and teachers to take ownership of their learning  skills  •  maintain excellent communication links between

 •  empower students to play an active role in the   •  provide a variety of experiences that are   •  build learning environments where others’ views   stakeholders
 inquiry process  relevant, challenging and engaging  and cultures are respected and valued  •  model effective collaborative relationships
 •  value question over answers  •  deliver enhanced learning experiences that   •  promote the necessary skills for successful
 •  encourage learners to reflect on their strengths   support different styles, abilities, needs and   teamwork
 and areas for growth in order to make progress  strengths  7. We believe school environments should be an   •  develop strategies that respond to students’
 •  provide a range of problem solving strategies to   extension of the wider world. They should be   individual learning needs
 enable students to take on new challenges  stimulating, safe and comfortable, allowing students  •  respect and celebrate cultural perspectives
 •  provide a supportive yet challenging learning   to explore and be creative.  •  encourage members of the school community to
 environment that engages and motivate all   4. We believe in a curriculum that is a balance   take a full and active role in the education of
 learners  between achieving shared outcomes and personal   Therefore we will:  our students
 •  encourage and celebrate courage and   inquiry.  •  provide modern and safe learning spaces that
 perseverance  encourage creativity and exploration

 •  encourage students to learn from mistakes and   Therefore we will:  •  promote the purposeful use of technology and   10. We believe our school should be a happy and
 solve problems  •  ensure that personal inquiry is a significant and   resources  inclusive community where diversity in needs and
 •  adopt a growth mindset  valued proportion of each Unit of Inquiry  •  give students and teachers opportunities to   culture are valued.
 •  provide high impact opportunities that support   grow their creativity and follow their passions
 student achievement towards outcomes from the                •  Therefore we will:
 2. We believe good learning prepares students   written curriculum  •  ensure we cater to the needs of all
 to understand that the choices they make impact   8. We believe good learning encourages guided   •  recognise and celebrate all cultures
 themselves and others, both locally and globally.  experimentation to develop creativity and maximise   •  ensure people feel

 5. We believe in a dynamic and rigorous curriculum   academic potential.  valued
 Therefore we will:  that is connected to the needs and interests of the
 •  foster a respectful climate of free and open   learners.  Therefore we will:
 discussion  •  provide educational opportunities to nurture
 •  support our students to be independent in their   Therefore we will:  curiosity
 actions and thoughts  •  invest time in understanding our students’   •  encourage personalised learning within a
 •  facilitate genuine life experiences that enable   interests and the way they think  meaningful curriculum
 students to interact positively within their   •  design learning experiences which are new, fun
 community  and active
 •  instill an appreciation of the responsible use of   •  identify and enable learners to articulate the
 technology  essential elements across all areas of school life
 •  implement strategies to develop positive   •  revisit learning regularly to allow for

 attitudes and a collaborative environment  consolidation of skills and knowledge
 •  recognise that learning is lifelong
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