Page 37 - New Catalogue 2012.indd
P. 37

Hitaltech                                 RoHS                                                                37

    A group of connecting technologies      2002/95/EC

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     • Hitaltech’s  fl exible  interconnect range are  ideally  suited  for  use  in  places
        where  electrical  connec� ons  require  a  high fl exibility and/or the printed
        circuit boards to be connected are subject to vibra� on.

     • Typical applica� ons include:
       • Industrial control systems
       • Automo� ve electronics

        • Measuring and test equipments
       • Electricity/gas meters
       • Computers
       • Electrical appliances
       • Medical equipment
       • Electric tools
       • Industrial robots
       • White goods

     • The fl exible interconnect range are produced using a range of
         manufacturing and processing methods.
       • Lamina� on                        • Sli�  ng
       • Cross Cu�  ng                     • Stripping (laser/mechanical)
       • Assembling                        • Forming
       • Crimping                          • Extrusion
       • Injec� on Moulding                • Encapsula� ng
       • Heat Sealing                      • Window Punching
       • Cable Welding - Soldering         • Component Moun� ng
       • SMD Component Pick & Place        • SMD Reel-to-Reel Soldering
       • Refl ow Soldering                  • Wave Soldering (standard/selec� ve)
       • In-line Tes� ng                   • Cable S� ff ening (Reinforcement)

     • As well as off ering a product produced specifi cally to customer
        requirements we are also able to produce ‘custom’ items.
       • Assembly of Cable, PCB and Components into a fi nished Product
       • Intelligent Cable
       • Harness Assembly
       • Cable Forming
       • Crea� ng Windows in Insula� on
       • Encapsulated Connectors
       • Over Moulding
       • Crimping of Connectors
       • Special Termina� ons
       • Shaping Insula� on Material
       • Moun� ng Components onto Cable

     • We have offi  ces around Europe with a dedicated team of qualifi ed
        sales engineers ready to discuss your  requirements.

                 Hitaltech SA/NV      Hitaltech UK Ltd  Hitaltech Gmbh       Hitaltech Corp. Japan  Hitaltech Headquarters
                 (Sales Benelux, France & Italy)  (Sales UK & Eire)  (Sales Germany)  (Sales Asia)  (Sales for the Rest of the World)
                 T: +32 2725 2075     T: +44 (0) 1253 899910  T: +49 (0) 351 65 57 39 10  T: +81 (0)467 23 81 00        T: +32 2725 2075
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