Page 33 - New Catalogue 2012.indd
P. 33

Hitaltech                                                                                                     33

     RAILBOX            RAILBOX             2002/95/EC
    A group of connecting technologies
     Contenitori per strumentazione industriale
    17.5 RAILBOX   Colore: Verde, Nero, Grigio, Colori speciali su richiesta   Colour: Green, Black, Grey, Special colour on request
     agganciabili su guida DIN (EN 60715)
                        Poles number: 17 x 2; 5 / 5.08 pitch
     Numero vie: 17 x 2; passo 5 / 5.08
                        Material: Blend PC/ABS self-extinguishing
     Materiale: Blend PC/ABS autoestinguente
                        Dimensions: 120x101x17.5
     Misure: 120x101x17.5
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                        DIN RAIL (EN 60715) ENCLOSURES
     Disposto verticalmente sul lato più lungo con conseguente riduzione di ingombro, RAILBOX  22.5MM RAILBOX
                        RAILBOX is a unique and innovative enclosure designed to give a product a new
     Prodotto dal design originale e raffinato studiato allo scopo di fornire un articolo dall’estetica
                        aesthetic and highly technological look. RAILBOX is suitable for electronic equipment
     innovativa e gradevole. Alla figura piacevole e snella si unisce una tecnologia consolidata.
                        on DIN rail (EN 60715). The enclosure is mounted vertically, thus saving space. To
     è adatto per l’equipaggiamento di strumentazione elettronica agganciabile su guida DIN
                           s’ needs, the following special features were designed: various
                        meet the
     (EN 60715). Le caratteristiche peculiari sono state studiate per far fronte alle varie esigenze
                        screws, hole covers breakable upon need, internal adaptor for the insertion of smaller
     della clientela: completa modularità delle possibili esecuzioni a partire da 17,5 mm fino a
     un massimo di 45 mm di spessore, semplicità di assemblaggio grazie all’assenza di viti,
                        PCBs in the enclosure, panels and front covers. An expansion spacer is available to
     coprifessura fratturabile secondo le necessità, adattatore interno per l’inserimento all’interno   modular sizes from 17,5 mm to a max of 45 mm thickness, easy-assembling without
                        increase the size and allow the insertion of additional PCBs.
     del contenitore di circuiti stampati più piccoli, pannelli e sportelli frontali. È disponibile
     anche una cintura interna per modulare l’altezza e avere la possibilità di inserire più circuiti   Special colours on request
     stampati in sezioni diverse.
                                         DIN (EN 60715) moun� ng enclosure suitable for applica� ons including
                                         Signal Condi� oning and Power Supplies
                                         • Four standard widths available; 17.5mm, 22.5mm, 35mm & 45mm
                                        - Available with or without BUS
                                          Connec�on System
                                         • Available in three standard colours; Green, Dark Grey and Light Grey.
                                         • Moulded using UL94V-0 Material
     22.5MM RAILBOX      45MM RAILBOX           
     22.5MM RAILBOX
                                         • Up to 17 terminal inputs/outputs on each side of the enclosure
                                         • PCB mounts ver� cally saving space on the DIN Rail
                             Special colours on request
                                         • Customisa� on op� ons are available including prin� ng and/or machining
                           Special colours on request  Special colours on request
                                           Railbox Ver� cal Standardx Ver� cal Standard
        Plug  Plug    Fix  Plug  Fix  Plug
                      - Available with or without BUS   • Available in 4 widths, 17.5mm, 22.5mm, 35mm & 45mm
                     - Available with or without BUS   - Available with or without BUS
                                         - Available with or without BUS
                        Connec�on System
                                           Connec�on System
                       Connec�on System    Connec�on System
               Bus                Bus  Bus  • Available in 3 colours as standard:
                        45MM RAILBOX
           1    2     3  Identico contenitore  3  4  Identico contenitore  4
                                  Same enclosure
                        Same enclosure
  ITALTRONIC                                 Green, Dark Grey & Light Grey
                                          • Available with or without BUS Connec� on System
                                          • Kit Includes: Body enclosure, internal panel, hook, top transparent panel
                                               Special colours on request
                                          • Accessories available include: breakable hole covers, panels and front covers.
                                           Railbox Horizontal Fix/ Horizontal Plug In                N��
                                          • Available in 4 widths, 17.5mm, 22.5mm, 35mm & 45mm
                     - Available with or without BUS   - Available with or without BUS
                                         - Available with or without BUS
                      - Available with or without BUS
                                          • Available in 3 colours as standard: Green, Dark Grey & Light Grey
                       Connec�on System    Connec�on System
                                           Connec�on System
                        Connec�on System
                                          • Available with or without BUS Connec� on System
     35MM RAILBOX           
                                          • Fixed terminal blocks can now be used with the Railbox enclosure and are
                                             available from Hitaltech.
                                          • Angled plug and socket connectors can now be used with the Railbox up to 3
                             Special colours on request
 22.5MM RAILBOX           levels and are available from Hitaltech.                N��
                                           Railbox With Heat Sink/ With Large Panel
                                          • Available on 35mm and 45mm Railbox enclosures
                     - Available with or without BUS   - Available with or without BUS
                       Connec�on System    Connec�on System
                      - Available with or without BUS
                        Connec�on System  • Heat dissipa� on is also now possible with the 35 and 45mm enclosures allowing
                                             for more powerful devices to be designed into the Railbox product
 Special colours on request               • Large front panel available allowing more connec� ons points on the enclosure.
                                           Railbox BUS Connec� on System                             N��
                                          • The BUS System allows for mul� ple Railbox modules to be connected side by o be connected side
                                             side on a DIN Rail whilst the connec� on points themselves sit inside the DIN rail
 - Available with or without BUS             resul� ng in a neat wire free connec� on system
   Connec�on System
                 Hitaltech SA/NV      Hitaltech UK Ltd  Hitaltech Gmbh       Hitaltech Corp. Japan  Hitaltech Headquarters
                 (Sales Benelux, France & Italy)  (Sales UK & Eire)  (Sales Germany)  (Sales Asia)  (Sales for the Rest of the World)
                 T: +32 2725 2075     T: +44 (0) 1253 899910  T: +49 (0) 351 65 57 39 10  T: +81 (0)467 23 81 00        T: +32 2725 2075
                 E: E: E: E: E:

 - Available with or without BUS
   Connec�on System

 - Available with or without BUS
   Connec�on System
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