Page 35 - My FlipBook
P. 35
cnoft, co6creennuii IIL flepeneArrre rra aurJrrrftcnlrfi ffBbrrc.
own a. Ieon]
pear n. lpeel rpyIlIa 1 Becna rerrJree Br4Mbr, Ho xoJroAHee Jrera.
plum n. Ipl,rm] CJIIIBA {acro vA(ir cHer'.
ral.n Irern] 1. n. Aoxc.qr, 2. u. zA6t Aor+cAr 3. Jlero caivroe E(apxoe BpeMfl roAa, HorAa MHoro
BpeMg roAa, ceSorr
season n. Isi:zn]
CBETIITb rppyrcron, ffroA lr oBorrleft.
shine (shone) u. [Jarn]
KATATbCfi HA KOIIbKAX 4. Ero Moii rro6r,rMoe BpeMfl roAa.
skatd u. Iskert] xo,4rrrb na Jtnxax
ski u. Iski:] 5. .{oxc4z o6br-rHo rtifiJrbre JreroM.
sledge u. Isle6] Karatbcfi rra carrRax 6. Ocenr - rtpacuBoe u ((BKycHoe) BpeMs roAa.
1. n. cnef, 2. u. raA€r cner
snow Isneo]
sometimes ['s,tmtarmz] lV. Paccrcalrcrrre o cBoiiM rro6rlMoM BpeMerr[ ro4a.
sprlng n. lspnnl BCCHA Boupocrr rroMoryT BaM.
summer n. ['s,] JIETO
swim (swam) u. Iswrm] IIJIABATb 1. How many seasons are there in a year?
the sun z. Is,"n] osoq(r) 2. What are the winter, spring, summer, autumn
vegetable n. ['vefirtebl] months?
water melon n. ['wote melen] ap6ya nYtr, o6Pas, cnoco6
way n. lwetl Aopora' 3. What is your favourite season?
winter n' ['wrnte] 3I'MA 4. What is the weather like?
5. Are the days short or long?
I. 6. Does the sun shine brightly?
1. t- Does it often snow or rain?
2. and the 8. What do you like to do?
3. 9. Are there fruit, vegetables or berries?
10. Is it a beautiful season? Why do you think so?
... from
The English Year
Though there are four seasons and twelve
1. There are four months in each season' months in the English year, it diffeis from our
i. Wittt"t is the hottest season of the year' year.
3. There is much snow in winter' The first difference is in the number of months
a. i".pti"g the sun shinesbrighter and the days in spring, summer, winter and autumn. There are
become longer than in winter' only two spring months in Great Britain. They
5. I like to staY at home in summer' are March and April. But there are four summer
O. Arrtrr*n brings rains and cold weather' months. Summer begins in May. Then June, July
i. b" ttt" first oiOctober we go to school' a school and August come. Autumn months are September
year begins.
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