Page 30 - My FlipBook
P. 30
Clothing. ShoPPing put on (put) u. ['puton] rraAeBaT6
nhopping n.
I Joprol [ocetrIeEr,re Mar.asu Ea
Tastes differ. That's why all people wear size n. , c q,€Jrbro troKyrlftrr
different clothes. Besides they wear different suit n. Isarz] pasMep
clothes whgn it is warm and cold. When it is srrit u. . lsjutl KOCTIOM
coorBgIrcTBOBaTE, rroAxoFrTb,
cold we put on sweaters, coats, caps qnd gloves' , 6rrrs K Jrrlrly
When it-'s warm we take off warm ilothes and take off (tobk) u. ['terkef] CHIdMATE,
taste n.
put on light shirts or blouses and dresses. ['terst] BKyC
= My favourite clothes are ieans, shirts and that's why loaToMy, BOT trOqeMy
try on u.
sweaters or jackets. They are comfortable. And I warm (l. ['traran] nprrMepaTb
can wear them in any weathqr- Now I'm wearing wear (wore) u. [wee] HOCItrTB
jeans, a white shirt and a sweater. But tomorrow weather n. I wede] rroroAa
wrong (r.
is ^my friend's birthday. He invited me to the lrod HeIlpaBr{.JrbHbIfi , ae ror
birthday party. So I shall be in my best. I. Bcrabrre ilpor5qeEurre cJroBa.
My mother bought me a nice suit and new shoes.
We went to the shop together and chose a grey 1. Tastes differ..That's why people ... different ... .
suit. I'tried it on. It was my size and suited me 2. My ... clothes are jeans, shirts and sweaters,
well. I looked great. Mother paid money for the 3. They are... .
suit and we brought it home. It's a pity I didn't My mother ... a nice .,. and new ... .
"try 4. It was my ... and ... me well.
the shoes on. They were the wrong size. So b. My mother ... them for the bigger ... .
my mother changed them for the bigger size.
And now they are OK.. Frankly speaking, I d6n't II. Coruacxrecb rrfir ucnpauiie EeBepEoe yrBep-
like shopping. There are more interesting things. JrqAerrue.
1. When it is cold we put on light shirts or blouses,
Vocabulary T-shirts or dresses, caps and gloves.
2. I can wear jeans in any weather.
bring (brought) u. [bru1 @rc:t)] trprnocrarb 3. My friend invited me to the cinema.
buy (bought) u. [ba @ct)] troryrrarb 4.
change u. [fen6] Merr.f,rb We wentto the sports ground and Chose a grey suit.
choose (chose) u. [tfu:z] nu6nParr b. It's a pity, I didn't try the shoes on: they were
clothes n. [kleudz] oAeEiAa the right size.
cold o. [keuld] xoaoAsirft
comfortable o. ['k^mfetebl] ylo6srrft III. IlepeneArrre na anranfic-rcnfi ssrrx. .
frankly speaking l'franklt] ' orKpoBe]ruo roBops 1. O nrycax He cnop,rr.
money n. I'rmrul AeHbrIr
pay (paid) u. [pei] trnarurl 2. ICporvre roro, onlr EocflT pasJrr4truyro oAeEcAy, Kor_
pitv z. ['pttt] ]rianocfr, cor*aJlexrre Aa TetrJro rr KoPAa XOJrOArro.
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