Page 29 - My FlipBook
P. 29
they are dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea-pigs' parrots 3. I teach my parrot to ... .
4. Kesha can ... to his name.
5. He is a ... of our family.
II. Cornacrrrecb rrJrrr rc[paBbre rreBeprrbre yrBep-
1. People keep different toys as pets.
2. Pets are not clever and nice.
3. I take care of my pet.
4. Parrots live in boxes.
5. People love their pets very much.
fly, play and talk. III. IlepeneArrre na arrr.nrricrrfi sarrr.
iove him very much. He is a member of our 1. Yaqe Bcero AoMa Aepffiar co6arc, Korrrex, xoMfir{-
2. T{ro Kacaercg MeHfl, To Mrre HpaB.flTcff rroly-
VocabularY rau.
3. fl 4aro rrorryrarc Bo,qy u eAy KarfiAbrft genr.
ans'wer u. ['o:nsa] OTBCTIAT6 4. V nero MaJrer{ roJroBa, m6arrrfi KJrIoB, rdo-
be fond of u. ' Ifund] .nro6rrr porxas [res, ABa KpacilBbrx KpbrJra u 4nnnnr,tir
beak z. lbikl KJIIOB xBocT.
cagen. IketS] KJICTKA
fly (flew) u. lflarl JIETATb IV. Paccrcalrc,rrre o csoiiM.rro6uuqe. Boupocrr no-
guinea-pig n' ['glnptg] MoPCKafl cB!{rrRa
hamster n. ['hemste] XOMgR MOryT BaM.
keep (kept) u. lKpl Aep?r(arb 1. What animals do people keep as pets?
member n, ['membe]
.ranle, 6onee 2. What is your favourite pet? Why?
more often adu. 'racro
.nro6raueq, [r,rroMeq' 3. What is its name?
pet n. lpetl
AOMartrEee ,KLtBOTrroe 4. Is it big or little?
speak (spoke) u. ['spi:k] roBoplrrB' pa3roBapr'rBaT6 5. What colour is it?
take care of (took) u. ['terk'keol sa6orratrcs 6. What is its head (neck, body, tail, mouth) like?
talk u. [tc:kl pa3roBapr'IBarb 7. What are its legs (eyes, ears) like?
wmg n. lwml KpbIJrO 8. What do you teach your pet?
word n. [ws:d] CJIOBO
9. What can it do?
I. Bctasrre nporryrqenubre cJroBa' 10. How do you take care of your pet?
11. What does your pet like to eat and to drink?
1. Many people are .-. ... Pets.
12. Are you fond of your pet?
2. Parrots are mY ... Pets.
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