Page 32 - My FlipBook
P. 32

lrrighter  and the days become longer. Summer is
                      3.  ,{xcltucu  Y4o6nrr.
                      4. ,fl oleny ecd catroe Jryrlilree'                        Lhe hottest season when there are a lot of fruit,
                      5.  gemno' s ne.nro6nro  xoAr4rb  rro MaraorrHaM'  br:rries  and vegetables.  Schoolchildren  have their
                                                                                 longest holidays. Itts my favourite season.  I like
                     IV. Ornerbre  rra Borrpocbr'                                Lo swim, lie in the sun, play outdoors in summer.
                      1. Why do people wear different clothes?                   '['he weather is usually fine' Sometimes it rains.
                      2. What do you put on when it's warrs or cold?             But the rains are usually warm.
                      3. What are Your  favourite clothes?                          Autumn comes after summer. It brings rains
                      4. What are You   wearing now?                             trnd cold weather. But it's a tasty and beautiful
                      5. What do  You  wear everY ilaY?                          season.  Because there are a lot of fruits in autumn:
                      6- What wiII  You Put  on tomorrow?                        apples,  pears,   Sapes,  plums, watermelons and melons.
                       7. What did  You  wear  YesterdaY?
                     -  8. What do you put onwhen  you go to the party?          The leaves are red, green and yellow ald they fall
                       9. What did your parents buy you last month? Did          down from the trees. On the 1"t of Septemberwe  go
                                                                                 to school. A school year begins.
                          it suit You?
                      10. Do  You  like to go shoPPing?                             I think all seasons  are beautiful.
                                                                                 autumn  n.          ['c:tem]     ocerrb
                      There are four seasons in a year' They are winter'         beautiful  o.       ['bju:tafol]  xpacrnrrfi,  npexpacxuft
                   spring, summer and autumn' There are three                    because cj.         [bi:'koz]    IIOTOMy  rITO,  TaK KaR
                                                                                 trecorire  (became)  u.
                    ,io"til. in each season. December, January and               begin  (began) u.   [bt'krm]     na.rr.raarr(ca)
                    FlUrrrury  are winter months' March' April and               berry n.            ['ben]       sroAa
                    May are spring months. Summer months are June'               bright  a.          Ibrart]      aprufi
                    i"fy u"a-August-  Then Autumn  months come:                  each  pron.         li:{l        raxArri
                                                                                                                  lonyqaTb  yAoBonbcTBrte
                                                                                 enJoy  u.
                    Sepiember,  October and November'                            faII down (fell) u.  ['fc:ldaon]  olaaaTb,  IIa.4atb
                      ^Wirrt"t  is the coldest s )ason of the year' Summer       flower  n.          [flaua]      IIBeroK
                    is the warmest  season. Spring  is warmer  than winter       fruit  n.           Ifnrt]       Qpynr(rr)
                    but it is colder than iummer' Autumn is also                 grapes  n.          Igrerps]     Br{rroqpaA
                                                                                 grass n.
            than summer but it is warmer  than winter'          holidays  n.        Igro:s]      KallUKyn6r
                       Every season has its own charm and is good                hot a.              Ihot]        nrapxufi,  ropavrafi
                    in its own way. There is much snow in winter' It             Ieaf  (leaves) n.   [1i:fJ       .nncr (;racrra)
                    oit"" snows. I like to ski, skate and sledge in              lie (lay) u.        Ia]          JIE,KAT6
                                                                                 melon  z.
                    winter. In spring  we enjoy the first grass' green           month n.            ['melan]     Mecfi4
                    t"u'u"t and the first flowers' The sun shines                outdoors  adu.      ['aut'dc:z]  rra oTlcpbrToM  BosAyxe
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