Page 27 - My FlipBook
P. 27

4. But our... holidays  are... and...  .  6.  What presents  did you get last time?
 5. We Send and get many  '(.  What do you usually do on a holiday?
 6. We buy and give presents to dur ... and ... .

 il. Cornacnrecb  rrJrrl lrcnpaBbre EeBepnbre yrBep-  Victory Day
            Every year on th_e ninth of May all the people
 1. I think people don't like holidays,  because they  in our country celebrate Victory buy. ttre  grf,of
 must work and have a good time.  May was the fina-t day of the Great  palriotic
 ()                                                     War.
 There are no holiday in our country.  It was in 194b. T!"!war.began
 3. The twenty-third  of i,'ebruary is the Day of the  second  of Jtme I9AL.  people   on the twenty_
 Defenders of the Motherland.          from Belarus,  Russia,
        the Ukraine and other countries fought..gainsi
 4. The first of May is the Victory Day.
        nazis. England,  the USA, France  and Folanl took
 5. Every year we have a New Year tree and decorate
        part-in  that war, too. Many people  were killed.
 it with fruit and vegetables.
 6. When the clock strikes ten We have a toast to  There are many monuments  and Victory
 the New Year and wish <,Merry Christmas>.  memorials in our country.  Every year in spring
        we put flowers to the monumenis  to hono". tfrl
 IIr. flepere,qlrre Ea anrnnfi crcuft sarrrc.  memory  of the war heroes.  We congratulate  war

 1. Cyrqecrnyer MHoro paaJrr{rrrrbrx  [paBAH]rKoB.  veterans  and give  them flowers, too.
 ,  7 annapa u 25 gexa6p,fi Mbr rrpaaArryeu Poxq4ecrBo.
 3. 3 rarons  -   ,{enr  Heaanwcfnfocrv.  Vocabulary
 4. 7 noa6pa   oxra6prcxofi pero.rrroqrau.  againstprep.   [a'gernst]  lpoTr,rB,  c
 5. Pom4ecrno  pr  Honsrfi  roA rroJrubr nollre6crsa,  celebrate u.   [,seirbrelt]  IIpaSArroBaTI'
        fight (fought) u.
 rroAapKoB  r{ HaAe}ftA.  ['fart  (fcr)]  cpanrarbc.Er  eecrz 6ori
        final day
 6. B nporu.rrowr roAy poAt4TeJrlr  noAapr.rJrur  MHe BaMe-  ['farnel]  uoc.le4nzrl  4eHr
        flower  n.
 qareJrbrryro  vrpy v Mnono pasHbrx Br{ycHbrx  neu1eft.  ['flaua]  IIBETOK
        Great Patriotic  War  I  grert petnotk'wc:]  Beauxaa  Oreqecrgernaa
 7. Mrr ranqyem, noiilr rrecurr,, cMorpkrM npay'4Hrav-
 Hbre rrepeAatrrr  IIo TeJreBzsopy uru wgem  ryJr.8Tb.  kill'u.
                         thtl          y6zrarr
       memorial  n.      Imr'mc:nel]   MeMopr4aJr;  IIaMsTHrfR
 rv. Ornerrre  Ha Borrpocbr.  monument  z.
                         ['monjument]  MOEYMEIIT,  IIAM.ETHITR
 1. Do you like holidays?  Why?  nazL  n.  ['no:tsd  Eaqrlcr,  rparrrzcr
 2. What holidays do you know?  take part  {took)  ['terk'po:t]  IrpI{HI4MaTB   lqacTtle
 3. What is your favourite holiday?
 4. How do you decorate  your house on Christmas  Pets
 and New Year?
 b- Do you give or get presents?  - Yury  people are fond of pets. They keep
       different animals and birds as-pets. More often
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