Page 17 - E-Workbook Naratives
P. 17


                “There’s plenty of water in the sea, where we live,” said the Long

               Dragon. “If we spray it into the sky, surely it will fall down like

               rain. The people and the crops will be saved.”

               “Very ______!” said the others.

               “But if the Jade Emperor finds out, he might be angry,” the Long

               Dragon warned. “He will think we took too much upon ourselves.”

               “The people need us,” said the Yellow Dragon resolutely. “I will do

               anything to help them.”

               “We will ______ regret it,” said the Black Dragon.

                       So the four dragons scooped up water from the sea in their

               mouths,  and  they  flew  over  the  land,  spraying  it  everywhere.

               Back and forth they went, until the clouds were dark and the sea

               water ______ onto the earth as rain. The withered crops began to

               straighten up and grow green again.

                       People down below cheered and leapt with joy. “It’s raining,

               it’s raining! We are saved!”

                       Soon, the Jade Emperor figured out what the dragons had

               done.  “How  dare  those  ______  dragons  give  rain  without  my

               permission!“ He was very angry. He sent his armies and all his

               heavenly generals to arrest the four dragons.
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