Page 22 - E-Workbook Naratives
P. 22


                       3) I’m going to tidy my room tomorrow.

                       4) He never drinks milk.

                       5) You must always fasten your seat belt.

                ❖ Task  2:  Now,  try  to  guess  and  write  the  most  appropriate

                    adverbs of time in the following sentences.

                   1.  I ___________eat meat because I’m a vegetarian.

                   2. She ___________ watches some YouTube videos before falling

                       asleep at night.

                   3. Can I see you ___________at noon to discuss the assignment?

                   4. Tony  is  studying  very  hard  because  he  will  have  an

                       examination  ___________

                   5. I  went  to  my  grandparents’  house  ___________  in  2021,  and

                       now is already 2022.

                ❖ Task 3 (pair work):

                   1.  This task requires you a partner.

                   2. Write 5 sentences which consist of the adverb of  time for

                      each person.

                   3. Try to guess and write the missing adverb of time in your

                      partner’s sentences.

                   4. After that, discuss your work together.
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