Page 260 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 260
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
“102. The mind is always looking for an excuse to avoid discipline that is the
inner genetic. 103. You must always listen to the one inner voice of the SELF
and avoid the THEY.”
30. GUIDELINES – Self Control
From Nuwaupian Ethics (6) – “Being Aware ” – v. 1, 4-5, 8
“1. Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” of Wu-Nuwaup know that aware is awareness or
being aware better said, huNan Hunan “Here” and haEaH Hasaḣ “Now”.
Right now I am aware of myself, where I am, what I am doing where I have been,
and what I have experienced I am aware. 4. I am aware of my surroundings. This
is to be aware that wherever I am personally. I am the qabaL Qabaṫ “Center”
all SayaN-aat Shayan-aat “Things”, makaN-aat Makan-aat “Places”
and SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u “Persons” are around me. I am the point from whom
all is equally distant from all points. 5. I am aware that I am in rabub Rabub
“Control” of all things around me in so far as how close or how far, when it is
and how I haruk Haruk “Move” from my point as the center. So I am aware
of Deity, I am aware. 8. I am aware and being aware of my own makwan
Makwan “Being”, I can baNun Banun “Build” it or Karub Kharub
“Destroy” it. I can sayun Sayun “Protect” my being or allow it danger. I can
keep my being naKeby Nakheby “Healthy” or I can poison it.”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “Paa Antkum 'The You (All)'” – v.
27-29, 104-105, 108-122
“27. You must over power all by exercising or exorcising; 28. That is the casting
out of any and all evil diseased or sick forces. 29. A true exorcism and you the
true exorcist. 104. There are two sides to you. 105. 180º degrees of agreeable and
disagreeable. 108. One Percent is all that is needed to shift your emotions, 109.
To the one side starting the path of disagreeableness, disagreeable actions; 110.
Or shift to very agreeable. 111. You are in control. 112. Listen to your own voice
of agreeable things. 113. Rather than the complaints of the disagreeable inner
voices that seek to lead you their way or the so called “They Said”. 114.
Nuwaupians what goes into the body correlates directly to the efficiency with
which the brain functions, 115. And the mind. 116. So foods, drinks, breath, light