Page 176 - 善美韶关
P. 176


 善美之城  乳源瑶族自治县瑶山王茶业有限公司生产

 中国·韶关  深洞瑶山王茶仙谷有机茶园,原生态环境下的
 暖阳光,常饮能强身健体,为高端养生茶品。于 2017 年 10 月被
 the City of KINDNESS and Beauty

 “Yaoshan Wang”High Mountain Black Tea
 “Yaoshan Wang” brand produced by Yaoshan Wang Tea Co.,
 Ltd. of Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County-Yaofeng No. 1 black tea   清化粉又名“宰相粉”,已有 1300 多年的历史,据说为盛唐  171
 is selected in Luoyang Shendong Yaoshan Wang Chaxian Valley   名相张九龄母亲始创。旺满堂出品的清化粉以当地的糙稻米和山泉
 Organic Tea Garden. The black tea uses local medium and large   水为主要原料,用传统工艺制作而成,无任何食品添加剂,晶莹油
 leaf species in the original ecological environment with a bud   润、粉色透明、均匀,米香味纯正浓郁,具有炒而不烂、煮而不糊、
 and two leaves of tea green leaves as raw materials. The whole   口感柔韧、滑爽等品质特点,深受各地消费者喜爱。
 process is carefully conducted, leaving the tea strips delicate, the
 soup color red and bright, with long-lasting
 wild fruit honey flavor. The black tea is full
    游乐之城       Shixing Qinghua Rice Noodle (Chancellor
 of the tea polyphenols, theaflavins, amino   Noodle)
 acids. Tasting the tea, you seem to be in   Qinghua Rice Noodle, also known as “Chancellor Noodle”,
 the mountain forest, listening to the wind,   has a history of more than 1300 years and is said to be created
 and bathing in the warm sunshine after the   by the mother of Zhang Jiuling, a famous chancellor in the Tang
 Chapter 5  The City of  Pleasure
 spring rain. Having the tea regularly can   Dynasty. The rice noodle produced by Wangmantang is made
 strengthen body function. In October 2017,   from local rough rice and mountain spring water in traditional
 it was awarded the Guangdong Famous   techniques, without food additives. It is of crystal color and
 Brand Product Certificate by the Guangdong   luminous texture with pure and rich flavor. While boiled, the rice
 170  Famous Brand Product (Agriculture)   noodle is soft and tasty, and is very popular among customers.
 Promotion Committee.
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