Page 181 - 善美韶关
P. 181


        善美之城                                                                                            饕餮美食

            浈江区詹氏蜂业                                                                                     Local Delicacies
            事养蜂 40 多年,从最初的几十个蜂群发展到现在的上万蜂群,公
            司有养蜂技师 100 多人。年产优质蜂蜜 2000 多吨,蜂王浆 100 多吨,
            蜂花粉 300 多吨,产品被评为广东省名特优新农产品。

            Zhenjiang District Zhanshi Bee Industry
      the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
                The Zhanshi Bee Farm is located beside the beautiful
                                                                                           白切石头猪                          梅岭鹅王
            Shaotang Avenue. The founder, Mr. Zhan Xiaolan, has been                    Sliced Boiled Pork           Meiling Mountain Goose
            engaged in beekeeping for more than 40 years. The company, from
            the initial dozens of bee colonies to the current tens of thousands of                                                            177
            bee colonies, has more than 100 beekeeping technicians, with an
            annual output of more than 2,000 tons of high-quality honey, more
            than 100 tons of royal jelly, more than 300 tons of bee pollen, and
            was rated as a famous new agricultural products in Guangdong

          游乐之城                                                                              冷水猪肚                          樟市黄豆腐
                                                                                        Seasoned Pork Tripe            Zhangshi Yellow Tofu

      Chapter 5  The City of  Pleasure

     176                                                                                 瑶山腊肉炒石韭                          罗坑胡须鸡
                                                                                    Yaoshan Bacon Fried with Leek     Luokeng Beard Chicken
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