Page 56 - Waterways_Feb_2019
P. 56


                                                     simply gives skin a sun-kissed look. Some bronzers have a bit of shim-
                                                     mer, which can help give your face a certain glow.

                                                     Should I apply my eye makeup before or after my foundation?
                                                     This is really a personal preference. However, if your eyeshadow often
                                                     falls onto your face when you apply it, then doing your eyes first might
                                                     be best. You can get messy as you apply your eye makeup, and then
                                                     just wipe your face before applying your concealer and foundation.

              For a lot of us, our skin              How do I choose the right makeup brush? What’s the difference
                                                     between synthetic and natural fibers?
                 changes during these                In general the denser the brush toe (that’s the collection of bristles
                                                     at the end of the brush), the more product it can pick up. The lighter,
                  colder, drier months.              longer and fluffier the brush toe, the better it can blend. For example,
                                                     when you are packing color on the lid, use a brush with short, dense
                  If your skin becomes               bristles. When blending the eyelid crease, opt for something with
                                                     longer, softer fibers.
                       more dehydrated,                Natural bristles are from animals, typically squirrel, sable and
                                                     goat. Synthetic bristles are man-made fibers. Synthetic bristles don’t
                        try swapping out             absorb as well as natural, so they’re great for cream and liquid prod-
                                                     ucts. Natural bristles are typically better for eye makeup because
                       lighter lotions for           their porous fibers pick up more powder.

                   more emollient-rich               How do you keep lipstick from migrating into lines around the lips?
                                                     I’ve found some great lip primers that help seal the lip line, such as
                              moisturizers.          FACE Atelier’s Lip Lock. You can also apply face powder around the
                                                     lip line with a very fine small brush. Lips primers and face powder
                                                     both form a barrier against migrating lipstick or gloss. Applying lip
                                                     liner can also help prevent this problem.

                                                     Learn more tips and tricks from Lisa on her YouTube
                                                     channel, LisaJMakeup, and on Instagram @LisaJMakeup.

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