Page 16 - Thinking through Diversity with Art
P. 16
• What kinds of racism and microaggressions are happening in the story?
• How are Chinese ethnic groups being compared to other racial groups in the story?
• Discuss how we can understand people’s experiences with different markers of identities.
Drawing on the theoretical backgrounds, readings, workshop contents and experience, students will:
Step 1: Create a 10-minute script (1500-2000 words) that continues with the last line: “And if we do...who do you think is going to win?”
• Create a scenario where Jingyi, Donna, Mr Williams and Jack are having a meeting to discuss whether students and teachers should be
allowed to use the space for Chinese supplementary schooling.
• Choose to set the scene to one specific lockdown period (i.e. pre, during, post) and decide the contents of the conversation based on both
scientific facts and people’s experiences found on social media.
• At the end of the script, the principal Jingyi must include a 500-word letter (not included in the 1500-2000-word limit) that includes a sound
rationale with academic contents from the suggested readings, scientific facts, and postcolonial theories/Critical Race Theory/Critical
Whiteness Studies to inform students, parents and communities how to manage the current situation and whether to return to the school.
• Each of these characters must come from a different angle in putting forward their arguments for/against using the school as a teaching space
amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Step 2: Submit a recorded you-tube play (10 minutes) based on the script in Step 1. Recommended structure:
• Setting the context: (a) introduce your roles in the play (b) describe the scene (c) identify the purpose of the meeting.