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Right to life - Sentence for fixed term can be imposed, there is no violation of fundamental right. (Vikas Yadav v State of U.P., AIR 2016 SC 4614 : (2016)9 SCC 541).
Risk to life of the petitioner mother. Permission for medical termination of pregnancy granted. (X. v Union of India, AIR 2017 SC 1055 : (2017)3 SCC 458).
Right to life - Immediate help to victim of accident. (Savelife Foundation v Union of India, AIR 2016 SC 1617 : (2016)7 SCC 194).
MLA suspended. Order depriving him of the salary and other benefits during suspension period is not violative of Article 21. (Alagaapuram R. Mohanraj v Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, AIR 2016 SC 867 : (2016)6 SCC 82).
Right to life enshrined in Article 21 includes right to live with human dignity. Accused in prison has also right to live with dignity. (Sangeetaben Mahendrabhai Patel v State of Gujarat, AIR 2012 SC 2844 : (2012)7 SCC 621).
The right to live is a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution and it includes the right to enjoyment of pollution-free water and air for full enjoyment of life. (Subhash Kumar v State of Bihar, AIR 1991 SC 420 : (1991)1 SCC 598 ; M.C. Mehta v Union of India, AIR 2004 SC 4016 : 2004 AIR SCW 4033).
Prisoners have right to life of dignity. (In Re: Inhuman Conditions in 1382 Prisons, AIR 2016 SC 993 : (2016)3 SCC 700).
For a prisoner all fundamental rights are an enforceable reality, though restricted by the fact of imprisonment. (Asfaq v State of Rajasthan, AIR 2017 SC 4986 : (2017)15 SCC 55).
Long custody of accused violates right to life. Normally bail application should be disposed of within one week. (Hussain v Union of India, AIR 2017 SC 1362 : (2017)5 SCC 702).
Right to life - Licences for liquor shops on National and State Highways not to be granted. (State of Tamil Nadu and Others v K. Balu and Another, 2017(1) Kar. L.J. 177 (SC) : AIR 2017 SC 262 : (2017)2 SCC 281).
Denial of assistance of counsel to accused is negation of due process of law. Death sentence awarded to accused set aside. (Mohd. Hussain v State (Government of NCT), Delhi, AIR 2012 SC 750 : (2012)1 SCC (Cri.) 919).
In cognizable offences where maximum sentence is 7 years, arrest is not mandatory. (Hema Mishra v State of U.P., AIR 2014 SC 1066 : (2014)4 SCC 453).
Right to water flows from Article 21. (Susetha v State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 2006 SC 2893 : (2006)6 SCC 543).
A child, and on his behalf his parent or guardian, has the right to choose the medium of instruction at the primary school stage under Article 19(1)(a) and not under Article 21 or Article 21-A of the

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