Page 261 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 261

                                                                Case 1
                                                   Transfer Grade Reports vs. Transcripts


                   Community College A has a transfer student-athlete that they would like to certify for the fall semester. The student-athlete   has grade
               reports from their prior institutions, but not official transcripts. Does the grade report suffice as a document to use for  credit and GPA certification,
               and will this be accepted as part of the audit process?
                   Effective August 1, 2014, the NJCAA requires official transcripts or copies of official transcripts to be on file for NJCAA  eligibility purposes.
               Neither unofficial transcripts nor grade reports are permissible to be used for NJCAA eligibility.

                                                                Case 2
               SITUATION:                       Transfer Transcripts from a Previous Institution

                   After one term of attendance at a four-year institution, Student-Athlete R transfers to Community College A. The four-year  institution does
               not release Student-Athlete R's transcript. Can Student-Athlete R participate in athletics at Community College  A without submitting a transcript
               to verify his/her eligibility?
                   No. The official transcripts are necessary to verify Student-Athlete R's academic standing at the four-year institution and to  certify their
               NJCAA eligibility. Grade reports or unofficial transcripts are no longer acceptable documents to determine the  student-athlete’s eligibility. The
               student-athlete will remain ineligible until the official transcripts are received and the student  meets all NJCAA requirements.

                                                                Case 3
                                 Participate in Fall Sport (Fall Golf) and Transfer in Same Year – Eligible for Participation?

                   At the completion of the fall term, Student-Athlete R transfers from Four-Year Institution X to Community College B. Both  Four-Year
               Institution X and Community College B provide a fall and spring golf season in which the records do not carry over  from the fall to the spring.
               If Student-Athlete R participated in fall golf at Four-Year Institution X, is he/she eligible to participate  in spring golf at Community College B,
               providing he/she meets all other provisions of the Eligibility Rules when transferring?

                   Yes. Student-Athlete R is not participating in the same sport season because fall golf is considered a separate sport season  from spring golf
               in the NJCAA. In the NJCAA, both a fall and spring season are offered in the following sports: Baseball, Bowling,  Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball
               and Tennis. However, if Community College B’s fall golf records carry over to the spring golf  season, golf would be considered a two-term sport
               and therefore the student-athlete would be ineligible for the spring term since  they were not enrolled as a full-time student at the college for which
               they choose to play when the sport season began.  The  institution the student is transferring from must consider fall and spring golf as two
               separate seasons as well.

                                                                Case 4
                                           Non-Member College Drops the Sport – Eligible to Participate?

                   Student-Athlete R participates in basketball during the fall 2020 term at Four-Year Institution X during the 2020-2021  academic year.
               Four-Year Institution X drops the sport permanently after the end of the fall 2020 term. Can Student-Athlete R  transfer to a member college in
               the NJCAA and be eligible to participate in basketball during the spring 2021 term?
                   Yes. Because the sport was dropped permanently at their previous school the student-athlete may be eligible to participate  in basketball
               during the Spring 2021 term, if they meet all NJCAA eligibility requirements.  This is one of the allowable  exceptions in Article V, Section
               2.C.2.b.i and Article V, Section 3.C.1.b.

                                                                Case 5

               SITUATION:                          Transferring – Using a +/- Grading System

                   Community College B has Student-Athlete R who transferred from Community College A. Community College A uses a +/-  (plus/minus)
               scoring system while Community College B does not. If Student-Athlete R got a B- at Community College A, which  would be a B at
               Community College B (with different point values), how would this be calculated into the GPA at Community  College B?
                   Community College B must use the grade as a B- even though Community College B does not use the +/- grading system  since the
               grade of B- is recorded as such on an official college transcript.

                                                                Case 1
                                                  Accumulation of Credits after Transferring
               The following is the academic record of Student-Athlete R:
                    Fall semester - attends Four-Year Institution X and passes 12 semester credit hours with a 2.00 GPA.
                   Spring semester - attends Four-Year Institution X, enrolls in 12 credit hours and passes six (6) credits with a 3.00 GPA;
                    participates in baseball.
                   Fall semester - attends Community College A, enrolls and passes six (6) semester credit hours as a part-time student.
               Is Student-Athlete R eligible to participate in baseball at Community College A during the following spring semester?
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