Page 262 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 262
Yes. Student-Athlete R has passed an accumulation of 24 semester credit hours with a 2.00 GPA or higher prior to his full- time enrollment at
Community College A, he is academically eligible to participate. The six (6) credit hours taken during the fall semester at Community College A
can be used for satisfying the academic progress requirements.
Case 2
SITUATION: Transfer after being Enrolled Part-Time – No Probation
What is the eligibility status of a student-athlete who has only been enrolled part-time at Community College A and subsequently
transfers to Community College B? Is a probationary period required before the student-athlete is eligible to compete in the intercollegiate
athletic program at Community College B?
No. The status of the student-athlete while enrolled at Community College A was that of a part-time student. Since the student has not
attempted any full-time terms, they would be academically eligible upon transfer to another NJCAA member college.
Case 1
Student-Athlete Transferring from a Semester College to a Quarter College
Student-Athlete R attends Four-Year Institution X one semester and earns 12 semester credit hours with a 3.00 GPA. During the fall
semester, Student-Athlete R participates in cross country. Following the fall semester, Student-Athlete R does not attend college again until
the following year when he/she enrolls at Community College A during the spring quarter. At the completion of the spring quarter, Student-
Athlete R earns 12 quarter credit hours with a 3.00 GPA. Is Student-Athlete R eligible for a second season of cross-country competition at
Community College A the following fall quarter?
Yes. Student-Athlete R has one full-time semester term and one full-time quarter term. The hours must be converted to quarter hours
since the student is looking to participate at a quarter hour school. After the conversion, the student has two and a half (2.5) quarter terms
attempted and has accumulated 30 quarter hours with an associated GPA of 3.00. Two and a half (2.5) quarter terms multiplied by 12 hours
is a requirement of 30 quarter hours to be eligible for a second season of participation. Student-Athlete R has met that minimum
accumulation requirement of 30 quarter hours with a GPA above the minimum 2.00.
The general rule is that the conversion itself cannot make a student eligible.
Case 2
SITUATION: Ineligible Student Transferring
Student-Athlete R Transfers from Community College A for the fall term to participate in basketball at Community College B. However,
Student-Athlete R is academically ineligible for the fall term of basketball. How long is Student-Athlete R ineligible?
Student-Athlete R is transferring as an ineligible student-athlete. The student must sit out 16 weeks and complete one academic term of
probation. Therefore, if he/she after the end of the fall term satisfies one of the academic progress requirements, he/she will be eligible for the
spring term of basketball. This is provided they have a Transfer Waiver Form if applicable.
Case 3
Probation Period for Ineligible Transfer from a Four-Year Institution
Student-Athlete R initially enrolls in Four-Year Institution K for the fall term. After attending both the fall and spring semesters and
participating in basketball, Student-Athlete R would like to transfer to Community College B for the fall semester. If Student-Athlete R transfers
as an ineligible transfer, what is the length of his/her probation period?
The length of the probation period for ineligible transfers from any institution is 16 calendar weeks, and the completion of one academic
term along with meeting the academic progress requirements of Article V, Section 2.D.2.
Case 1
SITUATION: Requirements for Probation
Student-Athlete R is required to serve a probationary period of 16 weeks and complete one academic term since they did not meet the
academic progress requirements of Article V, Section 2.D.2. The basketball season spans over both the fall and the spring terms. Can
Student-Athlete R begin participation on the basketball team once the probationary period is over and the student has made the appropriate
academic progress?
Yes. Once the probationary period is over and if the student meets the academic progress requirements of Article V, Section 2.D.2, the
student may be added to the eligibility roster provided they meet all other participation requirements.