Page 285 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 285

Case 4
                                                         Entertainment Allowance
                   Community College A is wanting to take their men’s basketball team to see the local four-year university’s game. Is it  permissible to pay
               for tickets and provide transportation to the local four-year university’s basketball game as a team outing?
                   It is not permissible to provide tickets or transportation to the local university’s basketball game as a team outing since the  trip is not
               associated to intercollegiate competition travel nor is it a leadership activity.

                                                                Case 5

               SITUATION:                     Complimentary Admissions – Home Athletic Contests
                   Community College A would like to boost attendance at home games.  Is it permissible for each member of the team to  provide a list of
               names of people who can attend the home games free of charge?
                   NJCAA bylaws allow for every member college to provide a maximum of four (4) complimentary admissions per home  game to each
               student-athlete in the sport in which the individual participates.

                                                                Case 6

               SITUATION:                          Complimentary Tickets – Local University
                   Community College A would like to take the members of the basketball team to see a game at the local university.  Is it  permissible for
               Community College A to coordinate with the local university to provide complimentary tickets for the members of  the basketball team?
                   No. It would not be permissible for the college to coordinate for the complimentary tickets since the outing is not associated  with
               Community College A’s intercollegiate travel.  Providing the game tickets would be above and beyond the permissible  allowances of what a
               member college may provide to student-athletes.

               IMPERMISSIBLE AID
               The following are examples of impermissible aid. In no way does this section of the casebook cover all impermissible aid.

                                                                Case 1
                                         Housing/Financial Agreement Between Coach and Student-Athlete
                   Community College A does not award any financial aid to student-athletes.  Since on-campus student-athlete housing does  not exist, each
               student-athlete is responsible for finding his/her own room and board.  Is it permissible for the coach to enter into  a housing agreement with
               Student-Athlete R?  Would this be possible if Community College A did award financial aid to
                   No in both cases.  The coach is not permitted to enter into any kind of a financial agreement with the student-athlete.  This  is viewed as
               financial assistance which is not administered by the college.

                                                                Case 2

               SITUATION:                            Housing Arrangements with Coach

               The following situations are prohibited by the NJCAA bylaws in this section.
                   1.  The coach at Community College A owns rental units that he rents to members of any of the college’s athletic teams.
                   2.  A coach allows members of his/her program to rent the basement of their house during the summer months.
                   3.  Student-Athlete R, a basketball player at Community College A is kicked out of the dorm in the middle of the fall term.  Student-
                       Athlete R then moves into the home of the basketball coach for the duration of the semester.
                   4.  Athlete R is signed to a Division I full ride which includes housing.  When the student arrives on campus his apartment  is not ready. A
                       member of the college coaching staff permits Student-Athlete R to stay with them until his apartment is  ready.
                   4.  In a Division III setting, any arrangement made by the coach which allows a student-athlete to live rent free or reduced  rent.
                   5.  Coach collects rent from student-athletes, then writes a personal or college check to the landlord.
                   6.  Coach collects rent from student-athletes and then pays the landlord to ensure payment.

                                                                Case 3

               SITUATION:                     Financial Assistance – Posting Bail for Student-Athlete
                   Student-Athlete R, a basketball player at Community College A, gets in trouble with the police and is placed in jail.  May the  coach at
               Community College A post bail to get Student-Athlete R out of detention?
                   No.  Neither college personnel nor a member of the college’s athletic interest may post the bail for Student-Athlete R.  Additionally, it
               should be noted that the college may not provide for legal counsel and may not co-sign a loan for any student-  athlete.
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