Page 290 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 290

(15 in men’s basketball), they have no scholarships available for Student-Athlete R during the summer session.  To offer a  scholarship to this
               student-athlete, the college must first release one student-athlete as per the reasons in Article VI, Section
               1.D.1 prior to signing this student-athlete to a Letter of Intent for the summer term.

                                                                Case 7

               SITUATION:                       NJCAA Letters of Intent – Manager Scholarships
                   Community College A wishes to give an athletic scholarship to the manager of their men’s basketball team.  Does this  scholarship count
               towards the overall number of scholarships allowed for the sport of basketball as per the NJCAA Sport  Procedures?
                       No.  Manager scholarships are monitored by individual colleges, regions, and/or conferences in the NJCAA and are  not to be
               submitted in the online NJCAA Letter of Intent program.  However, if a manager receiving an athletic scholarship  participates during the
               season or any season thereafter, he/she would then be considered a student-athlete and would count  towards the overall number of
               maximum scholarships.  They would be counters in the current year as well as retroactively in  years which they received the mangers
               scholarship.  Appropriate penalties would be assessed should the college be over the  allowable limits in any of those years.

                                                                Case 8

               SITUATION:                            NJCAA Letter of Intent - Club Team

                   May Community College A, who has declared themselves a club team, utilize the NJCAA Letter of Intent to bind a student-  athlete to their
                   No.  Only intercollegiate varsity/jv programs may utilize the NJCAA Letter of Intent.

                                                                Case 1
               SITUATION:                 Signing NJCAA Letter of Intent by 18  Calendar Day of the Term

                   Can Community College A’s athletic and financial aid departments go ahead and start giving athletic scholarships to members of their
               men’s basketball team at the start of the fall term even though the student-athletes haven’t signed NJCAA Letters of Intent?
                   No.  According to NJCAA bylaws, the original terms of the grant-in-aid (athletic scholarship) must be submitted online in the form of an
               online NJCAA Letter prior to any benefit being provided.

                                                                Case 3

               SITUATION:             Issuing a Letter of Intent to Another Athlete Within the Same Academic Year
                   Community College A signed eight (maximum number of letters of intent) student-athletes in men’s golf. The college had to release one
               student-athlete from his letter of intent during the fall term.  When can that athletic scholarship be issued to another student-athlete on the men’s
               golf team?
                   That athletic scholarship may be awarded to another member of the men’s golf team after the end of the fall term and that  letter of intent
               must be submitted prior to any benefit being provided.

                                                               Case 4

               SITUATION:                                NJCAA Signing Date
                   Student-Athlete R is being recruited to compete in volleyball and track & field.  Which signing date must Student-Athlete R  abide by when
               signing a NJCAA Letter of Intent?

                   NJCAA Letters of Intent must be signed and submitted separately – one for each sport.  The signing date for each sport must be abided

                                                                Case 5

               SITUATION:                            Submitting NJCAA Letter of Intent

                   Community College A signs Student-Athlete R to a 2020-2021 NJCAA Letter of Intent and the form is signed in accordance  with the
               signing procedures and within the signing dates indicated on the form.  Community College A then mails the Letter of  Intent to the NJCAA
               National Office.  Is this proper procedure?
                   No.  All signings of letters of intent beginning with the 2007-2008 academic year and beyond must be submitted online and  the original
               signed copies of the letters of intent should be kept on file at the college and submitted to the NJCAA National  Office only upon request or as
               part of the college’s eligibility audit.
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