Page 24 - GBC English Fall 2020
P. 24

   important that the viewers have a clear understanding of who is speaking to them. With that said, it’s imperative that regardless of the social platform your video is posted on, you are always linking to your website or a landing page that has on-brand and consistent messaging that is clear across each channel.
Once you have generated video content of your course, you must strategically incorporate it into your marketing plan across a variety of platforms to fully capitalize on the investment. There are many effective avenues, depending on your marketing budget. Many marketers make the mistake of pouring a ton of money into their video projects, thinking that alone will bring them success. This is where you need to keep your initial goals in mind.
Understanding your audience and setting campaign goals must start with research to determine what channel your target audience is most likely to be on and what content will resonate most with them. For instance, if you’re looking to win over millennial or Gen Z consumers consider producing and/or editing shorter video clips for social channels like Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter, rather than costly television spots on golf programming.
Depending on the channels you ultimately choose for your video campaign, there are different ways to optimize to get as much attention as possible. For platforms like Instagram and Facebook, this means directly uploading, keeping it short, and adding compelling captions. However, with YouTube youmaywaituptotwoweeksafter your video launches to make tweaks and refine your target audience.
Measuring the impact of your video marketing can be challenging, but with the increase of multi device consumption, we are able to capture the site traffic upticks soon after a video airs. Considerations of the effectiveness are based on comparison and analyzation of web traffic between off weeks and on weeks of your video uploads. This is compared by campaign period, as well as the same period in previous years.
Quality of traffic to your website and video engagement rates are also a factor. This is determined by the length on average of each website visit, as well as how much time someone spent on your video. Did they watch the video in its entirety, or leave and skip out early? View count, while important to measurement, varies from channel to channel.
For instance, on YouTube a view is considered 30 seconds, while on Facebook it’s only 3 seconds. Engagement through comments and feedback are also not to be overlooked. While these aren’t technically a “metric”, they give you the ability to dive deeper into how consumers are reacting to your video – whether it be negatively or positively – and make intentional and educated updates if necessary. Internally, you can also examine how these conversions have been affected in simple ways, including an increase in online reservations and inquiries.
Video marketing will only keep growing as consumers spend more and more time watching video online. This creates large opportunity for your brand, but only if your content is done thoughtfully and stands out amongst the growing video noise. The most important aspects to remember when creating video for your business are consistency, quality, creativity, and engagement. While large budgets can afford the ability to include high- level production and celebrity appearances, a small budget with a good story can go a long way.
Golf Business Canada
Golf Business Canada

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