Page 42 - Fall 2017 english
P. 42
At the end of each session the kids line up to putt. It they are 4 years old they putt from 4 feet, if 8 years old from 8 feet and so on. They get one chance and if they miss the putt, it teaches them that you cannot win every time, but practicing increases your odds.
We have had several parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles ask if they could purchase a Ring Pop as their child is upset. As tough as it is, we do not allow them to do so, because we know that part of the game is learning how to lose. Every tournament has lots of people tee off but only one wins the trophy.
We have huge support from com- munity volunteers and many vol- unteer assistants. We have had a few paid professionals over the years including Dustin Risdon, who have been instrumental to our suc- cess with their instruction and pas- sion for the kids and the program.
We couldn’t make this work without several volunteers from the club and community that come out to help instruct, cook, wrap and hand out the hot dogs and drinks. We are also very grateful for the support of the Crossfield and District Recreation Board and the C.O.R.A program whom have helped us with grants over the years.
“We couldn’t make this work without several volunteers from the club and community that come out to help instruct, cook, wrap and hand out the hot dogs and drinks.“
In 2017, we also had Dream Developments approach us to become involved. We have now rebranded the program and it now operates under the name of Dream Junior Golf Academy at Collicutt Siding.
I believe that Dream Devel- opments saw what our academy (and golf course) means and does for our community and wanted to get involved. With the involve- ment of Dream, the Rec Board and the C.O.R.A program we are able to keep the price down to a very af- fordable rate for all families.
Collicutt Siding has produced two of Alberta’s best young players, two-time Sun Life Financial Alber- ta Amateur Champion Riley Flem- ing (now on the Mackenzie Tour), and Patrick Murphy (UCLA Bruins golf). We are proud that Riley and Patrick call our club their home, and are always excited when they come out to help with the kids.
Collicutt Siding also has a few very promising 6-10 year old ath- letes. Instructor Joe Lobb com- ments “it is great to see 8 year olds hit it farther than I do.”
One of Collicutt’s lead instruc- tors, Todd Hagel, takes individual kids or small groups and works closely with them as well. Both Todd and Barry Trufen (long time members and former club cham- pions) are CGTF (Canadian Golf Teachers Federation) approved.
Here are a few tips if your club is looking to develop your own ju- nior golf academy.
• Make it user-friendly for parents. • Make it affordable.
• Offer a variety of times.
• Remember that this is an intro- duction to the game for these kids, so be patient.
• And above all, let the kids have fun.
Golf Business Canada