Page 304 - ro membanes
P. 304
205e207, 208t, 210e211, 210te211t, 213e215, 215t, 217e218, 223e224, 227e228, 231, 237e238, 241e242, 248, 250, 252e258, 252t, 260, 263e264, 266e270
Pressure exchanger (PX), 270
Pressure filters, 33, 109, 150, 157, 161, 163e168,
166fe167f, 178e186, 185t, 186f, 228, 241e242,
Pressure vessels, 8e9, 35e36, 47e48, 49f, 108e109,
144e145, 163, 166, 197, 199e200, 202, 209, 210t, 250, 253, 257
source water, 9, 28, 77 concentrate, 123
permeate, 80e81, 253
product water, 2, 32, 80, 256, 259e262, 264, 266, 270
Raw seawater, 8, 26t
Records, 47e48, 165, 218, 221, 229e230, 233, 270 Recovery, 7e8, 10, 21, 21t, 31, 56e57, 72e73, 106,
123e124, 126, 128, 142e143, 150, 157, 170t e171t, 179, 181, 183, 186, 193, 197, 204e206, 216e217, 234, 253e254, 256, 258, 260e263, 265e270
conditioning, 113e135
comparison of granular media and membrane
pretreatment, 221e238
diagnostics of membrane fouling, 43-64 granular media filtration, 153-186
guidelines for pretreatment selection, 239-248 introduction, 113-135
RO system design, 249-276
membrane foulants, 11-41
membrane filtration, 187-218
sand removal, sedimentation and DAF, 137-152 saline water intakes, 65-93
screening, 95-111
Rejection, 7, 23, 39e40, 50, 54e59, 60t, 80, 92t, 117, 128e129, 131, 154e155, 252e260, 252t, 265
Reject, 24, 128, 190e191, 211, 216, 225, 225t, 252, 255 Reliability, 223, 270
Residuals, 16, 18e19, 18t, 114, 129e132, 146, 155t,
169, 175e176, 224e226 Reverse osmosis
membranes, 1e8, 5f, 10, 12e16, 18e21, 20t, 23e25, 23t, 28e35, 35f, 37e40, 43e47, 50f, 51e59, 61e62, 61f, 64, 66, 70, 78e79, 86e87, 92t, 96, 107e109, 114, 116e119, 120f, 121e123, 125e126,
128e132, 140e141, 146, 154e157, 162e163, 169, 179, 191e193, 197, 203e204, 209, 223e225,
227, 229e231, 234, 235te236t, 237, 241e242, 245e248, 250e254, 251f, 257e260, 266, 268e269, 272e275
process parameters, 6e7, 253e254
seawater, 67, 84, 109, 253 RO system
components, 48
Sampling, 47e48, 49f, 77, 109
Sand and anthracite intermixing, 170te171t, 172e173,
Salt passage, 6e7, 45, 47t, 48, 54, 56, 59, 60t, 61
Salt rejection, 7, 39e40, 54e59, 80, 129, 131, 154e155,
252t, 253e257
Scaling, 7e10, 12, 21e22, 21t, 114, 123e128, 124t,
208t, 239e240, 254, 260, 43e64 Scale inhibition, 127
Scale Inhibitor Feed Systems purpose and function, 123 routine operation, 125
Schematic, 2f, 60f, 71, 142f, 144f, 188, 188f, 198e199, 199f, 262, 264, 267fe268f
band, 98e103, 98f, 103f
bar, 83, 90, 96e98, 225, 225t
drum, 90, 96, 98, 100e103, 101f
fine, 83e85, 87, 90e91, 96e103, 105, 188, 235te236t micro, 12, 95e96, 103e107, 107f, 109, 139, 170te171t,
175e176, 188, 198, 223, 225, 225t, 233,
235te236t, 236e237, 274 Wedgewire, 85, 85f, 101e103, 102f, 104f
Caribbean, 75
of Oman, 75, 264
Mediterranean, 26, 261e262, 264t, 271t Red, 28, 196, 245, 254, 259e260, 262t, 265t
SeaDAF, 150
Seabed Filtration System, 72 Sedimentation tanks
conventional, 141
Lamella, 141e142, 142f Seawater
intake, 26, 70, 78e79, 81, 87, 91e92, 106, 110, 274
membranes, 238, 255e256
reverse osmosis, 2e3, 5f, 235te236t quantity, 76
quality, 262te266t, 271t
salinity, 2e3, 6e7, 71e72, 88, 259e260 specific conditions, 76, 236e237