Page 303 - ro membanes
P. 303
Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), 13, 17e19, 18t, 66, 114e116, 139e147, 143t, 150, 151t, 154e157, 155t, 161, 165e168, 174, 179, 180t, 181e182, 182t, 184te185t, 200, 203, 205, 212e213, 216e217, 240t, 242te244t, 244e245, 246t, 253, 275
Net Driving Pressure (NDP), 252t
Nitto Denko (Hydranautics), 195t, 212e213 Non-oxidizing Biocides, 131
Norit (Pentair), 207
Nutrients, 30e31, 33e34
Nutrient balance, 33e34
O-rings, 46e48, 50, 50f, 109, 209 Ocean
Atlantic, 261e262, 263t
Pacific, 39, 80, 254, 261e262, 262t
Odor, 32, 47, 52, 172
Oil, 19e20, 23, 47t, 67, 72, 74e77, 89e90, 115, 140,
144, 146, 149e150, 162, 193, 203, 222, 245e247 Open Intakes
offshore, 83e86
onshore, 31e32, 83e84, 88, 100, 138 costs, 82e83, 89, 92
Organics, 2, 24e25, 28e30, 32e33, 43e45, 45f, 66, 88, 92t, 115e116, 122, 129, 144, 149e150, 154e155, 158e159, 161e164, 168e169, 172, 179, 181, 192, 203e205, 222, 227, 238, 252, 252t, 272e275
Organic fouling, 25, 27, 62, 62f, 121e122
Organic polymers, 32
Oxidationereduction potential (ORP), 47, 118, 132,
155t, 170te171t Ozone, 4
Pall/Asahi, 195t, 214e215 Particle distribution profile, 17 Particulate Foulants
description, 13
measurement parameters and methods, 13e17 threshold levels, 17
Partial Second Pass (RO), 260e262 Pathogens, 17, 168e169, 204, 222 Pass
full-two, 260
single, 80, 128, 257e262, 258f, 262te266t, 266 split partial, 259f, 260e262, 262te266t
collection tube, 252
flow, 3e4, 7e10, 30, 56, 253, 257 pressure, 6
quality, 80e81, 253, 262te266t, 271t
recovery, 7e8, 56, 124, 262
salinity, 4, 6e7, 50, 87, 254, 260
Permeability, 6e7, 10, 73, 77e78, 154e155, 192e193,
195e196, 250, 255e257 Perth II SWRO Plant, 107, 228 pH
adjustment, 92t, 114, 118e119, 133t, 143, 150, 170te171t, 183, 216
control, 130
Phosphorus, 31, 33, 127 Phosphonate, 127
Planning and Design Considerations
cartridge filters, 108e109 coagulation systems, 119
DAF clarifiers, 146e150
granular media filters, 176e183 membrane filters, 168e176 flocculation systems, 122e123 source water conditioning, 132e135
dosage, 170te171t
overdosing, 47t, 62, 121e122, 170te171t
Polyethersulfone (PES), 194e195, 195t, 213 Polypropylene (PP), 103e108, 110, 144e145 Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF), 194e195, 195t Powdered activated carbon, 197, 247, 274
Power use, 79e81, 147, 165, 202, 228, 235te236t Pretreatment
cartridge filtration, 47, 223
conventional, 188, 226, 234e237
coagulation, 78e79, 114e115, 150, 157, 176, 181 costs, 91, 146e147, 186
flocculation, 119, 121e123, 150, 205, 222
design example, 216e217
dissolved air flotation, 37, 114, 164
granular media filtration, 33, 105e106, 108, 114, 141,
154, 168, 176, 186, 207, 218, 221e222, 224, 225t,
226, 229, 233, 237, 241, 245, 250
membrane, 24, 34, 76, 78e79, 103, 105e107, 109,
115, 141, 166, 188e192, 188f, 189t, 194e197, 198fe199f, 199e207, 211e212, 211t, 215t, 216e218, 218f, 240, 245, 247e248, 273e274, 221e238
microfiltration (MF), 188 ultrafiltration (UF), 188 sedimentation, 47, 114 selection, 78, 221, 239e248 technologies, 13, 33, 238e240
Pressure, 2e4, 6e10, 14, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35e36, 38t, 39, 44e45, 47e48, 47t, 49f, 50, 53e58, 80, 92t, 97e100, 103e106, 109, 119, 132, 139, 144e150, 151t, 156, 163e165, 167e168, 179e181, 189, 189t, 191e192, 194e197, 195t, 199e202,