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Noting that IMFL § 15-1505 permits the mortgagee to make tax payments “prior to sale,” that IMFL §
        15-1512(b) permits the recovery of expenses of securing possession “before sale,” and that taxes are not
        fees  and  costs  (which  are  recoverable  clear  up  to  the  confirmation  hearing),  the  panel  rejected  the
        mortgagee’s argument.

             Also rejected was an argument that the tax payments should be recoverable because the foreclosure
        judgment appeared to allow such expenses “between entry of Judgment and confirmation of sale.” The
        panel said that that provision was inconsistent with IMFL and an abuse of discretion.

                                Court Orders $13,505 In Sanctions

             The Appellate Court panel hearing Bank of Am., N.A. v. Basile, 2014 IL App (3d) 130204 (see Sharp
        Thinking  No.  116  (June  2014)),  has  imposed  sanctions  totaling  $13,505  against  mortgagors  and  their
        counsel for making a frivolous appeal in a mortgage foreclosure case.

             In a supplemental opinion filed last month, the Third District soundly rejected defendants’ arguments
        against  imposing  sanctions  but  found  that  the  $43,104  sought  by  Bank  of  America  was  excessive.    It
        awarded $10,000 in attorney fees and $3,505 in costs, and ordered that those amounts be paid 50% by
        the mortgagors and 50% by their counsel.

                           Confirmation Objection Grounds Limited

             A  foreclosure  defendant  may  not  oppose  a  motion  to  confirm  the  foreclosure  sale  merely  by
        attacking the underlying judgment, a panel in the Appellate Court’s First District has held.

             Relying on Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. McCluskey, 2013 IL 115469 (see Sharp Thinking No. 107
        (January 2014)), the court in DLJ Mortg. Capital, Inc. v. Frederick, 2014 IL App (1st) 123176, said a
        defendant is limited to the four grounds for refusing confirmation set forth in 735 ILCS 5/15-1508(b).
        Moreover,  referring  to  the  fourth  ground  stated  in  that  statute,  the  panel  said  that  “[t]o  show  that
        justice  was  not  otherwise  done,  a  party  must  establish  that  the  lender,  through  fraud  or
        misrepresentation, prevented the borrower from raising the meritorious defense to the complaint, or
        the borrower was otherwise prevented from protecting his property interests.”

               Full Payment Doesn’t Automatically Release Mortgage

               Receipt of full payment creates an obligation to release a mortgage but does not by itself release
        the mortgage, a panel in the Appellate Court in Chicago has opined.

               Writing  in  North  Shore  Community  B.  &  T.  Co.  v.  Sheffield  Wellington  LLC,  2014  IL  App  (1st)
        123784, the panel said that under the Mortgage Act (765 ILCS 905/2) receipt of full payment created an
        obligation to “make, execute and deliver” a release, a release was not effected until such a writing was
        delivered and the bank’s alleged receipt of full payment did not by itself operate as a release depriving it
        of standing in the case.
                                                              -   John T. Hundley,, 618-242-0200

                                                           SHARP-HUNDLEY, P.C.

                               1115 Harrison, P.O. Box 906, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 • Telephone 618-242-0200 • Facsimile 618-242-1170

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                                          Darren Taylor:; Terry Sharp:

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